Chapter Two: Something's Wrong

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Charlotte walks to her car parked in the parking lot of Matthew's office building where she spots Claire's car. It was weird because Claire hadn't told her anything about her coming here and even if she didn't, she didn't attend the meeting with her so why was her car here. Charlotte thought it weird but left since she was too tired to give any shit.

After coming home, Charlotte's mind was completely blank. Usually she starts another job by now but since she was going to change some of the conditions in her contract she had to wait for them to finish before she could take on another job. Since she had nothing to do and in her free time she usually plots how to kill her next target she thought why not blindly pick a case and start rolling. She rummaged through the files of the cases she rejected because she didn't she was at a moral ground to do so. Ironic. She picked up a case from a man who had reached out to her to investigate about her sister's husband. She didn't pick the case because the girl wasn't the one who reached out to her and the guy did try to convince her by saying that she knew that he was cheating on her but she wasn't doing anything but Charlotte didn't want to go against her own set of rules which were; if the girl's okay with it then she's okay with it. Charlotte never once thought to go against her rules and since she was bored she decided to pick up the file and theorize what she would've done if she had actually picked up the case.

The man's name was Liam Harlow. He was a businessman and had a clean record which was weird since he knew about Charlotte. His sister, Lara Miles was married to a man named Mike Miles. He had a stable and well paying job but there was nothing else on him in the file. Charlotte decided to brush on her hacking skills and started finding more information about all three of them. She didn't find much about Liam Harlow which led her to believe that either his profile was fake or he was using an alias. She was able to find out about Lara and Mike but there was no record of Mike's cheating. Not a single post, picture, comment, text message, voice call, video call that was indicating that he was cheating on Lara. The only thing she was able to pinpoint was that Lara and Mike's relationship was on thin ice and they both had started living separately to solve their problems. Charlotte found out that before Lara changed her name, her previous surname wasn't Harlow. She decided to check her family records but there wasn't a single record of someone named Liam Harlow in her family. Charlotte without missing a beat said out loud that Liam liked Lara and was trying to get rid of Mike so he could date her. Petty. He knew that Mike and Lara were having troubles and at a time like this of course Mike would've fallen for someone else since his heart was tired of Lara, and the next one saying that she could fix that, would eventually lead him to cheat but then again it wouldn't be cheating since they were both already separated. She checked to see what had happened in their lives since, and Mike and Lara had gotten divorced. They hadn't gotten remarried although Mike did start dating someone from his work which does raise the question if he was cheating on Lara with that girl but then again no one would really know unless Mike actually admitted it himself so this one will remain a mystery forever.

Charlotte looked at the time and it was almost ten in the night and she decided that it was enough rambling for one day. She ate something light and then went to sleep right afterwards since she had a long list of things to do the next day.

Charlotte woke up with an intense headache and she didn't have any strength in herself to get up from her bed but she had to check up on the contract and possibly pick up another case but her throbbing head was only saying one thing to her. Quit. Your health isn't worth it but Charlotte slapped herself and forced herself to get up from the bed and get the thought of quitting out of her mind. She had a bad hair day, a bad make-up day, a bad outfit day. She didn't even drink last night and her head was feeling like she had a hangover from drinking two crates of wine. Only one thing that could cure this and that was, wine.

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