Chapter Ten: Brother

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Matthew barged in through the front door of the Manor, and started screaming for his brother. Niall came down with Maksim coming right after him. Matthew hugged Niall as soon as he saw him and asked if he was okay. Maksim tried to intervene in their reunion, but Matthew pulled Niall and stood in front of him.

"I'm taking my brother home."

"Fine by me."

Matthew was surprised how he agreed so easily but he wasn't dumb enough to ignore the security placed outside the Manor.

"Don't take me lightly."

"I'm not. Take him with you. Seriously, I'm not joking."

"Really. You're not going to hit me with one of those, I'll see you try and take him."

"No, I won't. He's your brother. You can take him home."

Matthew looked at Niall who said that he had already packed a bag with his toiletries and had it placed in Matthew's car. Matthew had a lot of questions but decided it would be better to just ask Niall on the way home. Both Matthew and Niall got into the car and drove off, and despite Matthew expecting some resistance, nothing happened.

"So, what was that all about?"

Matthew started asking the questions. Matthew wanted to demand answers from Maksim but the circumstances didn't really play out like that.


"How did he just let you go when he bought you for 97 million?"

"You can't buy a person."

"He did."

"He payed the price for my life. I marry him and stay with him until he gets his inheritance and then I'll be on my way. An by the way, where did you put all that money?"

"I didn't. It was Charlotte's and she planned on giving it back."

"I hope she didn't."

"What about this inheritance stuff you just talked about?"

"Not much. His grandfather had placed a condition that he will only receive his inheritance when he gets married and Maksim wanted to keep the marrying for love tradition(lie), although that wasn't a condition by his grandfather but rather his own personal choice."

"He could've had any girl but he chose you. Why?"

"He didn't tell me that it had to be me. He said that I could refuse if I wanted to but I didn't want to put Charlotte or you in danger so I just went along with it. And then again, he paid me 97 million."

"So, he just randomly chose you?"

"Pretty much. He did tell me that a person wouldn't normally hide a girlfriend from the world but they would hide a boyfriend. So I guess that's the reason."

"So, why did they threaten Charlotte?"

"They knew about the whole serial killer thing and said that it was her choice what she wanted to do for a living. Honestly they weren't ones to judge either. They said that they didn't want involvement in Colton's death if one day Charlotte were to be convicted of his murder."

"So, basically there was nothing to worry about. Do they not know that Charlotte has already slept with Colton?"

"She did? Wow! She moves fast!"

"I know. If it weren't for you he probably would've asked her to marry him."

"This time around, she'll have to move fast. Too many people know about this and it'll be endgame if Ms James finds out that we had made such a huge blunder."

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