Chapter Five: Murder is Charity

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Charlotte walked in front of the mirror and twirled to see if her dress fit her perfectly, and it did. She looked rather classy. Charlotte went on over to her closet and picked her trench. It was a daytime and indoor event, but a trench screams old money so Charlotte decided to go with it. After all she is a Noble. Charlotte got out of her penthouse building and her driver and Matthew's little brother, Niall, as her security and manager respectively, were standing outside the entrance of Charlotte's penthouse building, waiting for her to get out and take her to the charity gala. Charlotte got inside the car and Niall went over her with the plan again. Niall kept blabbing and Charlotte kept listening to him until she got fed up and asked him to stop. Charlotte told him that she isn't doing this for the first even if he is. Charlotte never really needed anyone except her driver for her missions but for her modeling career to look more real, she had to have a manager and unfortunately they didn't have anyone except Niall to do the job and Niall, much like his brother, was a bit of a perfectionist and was also a bit nervous since it was his first job, but Charlotte assures him that she would act right and they didn't have to worry about anything else.

After a few roundabouts, they finally reached their destination. Niall got out to open Charlotte's car door and Charlotte got out to be photographed by several people and walk a red carpet with Niall right behind her. Charlotte walked in the front door and her eyes got fixated on finding her target while Niall's were still in awe after seeing the lavish interior of the hall.

Niall had always been a sort of an indoor worker, getting out as minimal as possible and this was his first time accompanying Charlotte on a mission. Niall was almost similar but also at the same time, completely opposite of Matthew. They both had their personal traits that distinguished between them though their striking resemblance to one another is very arduous for the person, meeting them for the first time and trying to tell them apart. Niall was still young and was immature and his brother played a huge role in doing that, since he had sheltered Niall from facing all the harsh realities of the world.

Niall kept following Charlotte as she paced around the hall trying to look for Colton and greeting other people on the way. After a while, the bidding started with the first item being the latest design of Marie Parker's diamond collection, a beautiful necklace named after the king of the jewels, the Koh-i-Husan, with Husan meaning beauty. It was a beautiful piece and Charlotte had gotten the whiff that it might get stolen or replaced with a fake one to be sold off at the auction. Now how did Charlotte get this whiff, let's not focus on that. Charlotte knew that for something so expensive to get stolen, it's almost impossible that the people who're selling it aren't involved in this scam and of course they were. They're a corrupt family so this wasn't in any way unexpected from them, and Charlotte knew that is one thing, she could use as a trump card and thus, collecting proof that the bidding is going to be rigged was extremely necessary for Charlotte, and she knew how to use Niall to her advantage.

Niall was not short by any means, he was 5'10, but Charlotte always teased Niall for not being over six feet like his brother and often called him a short king, and you never know how much a short king can come in handy in being sneaky but there was a slight oversight since, yes, they were going to collect evidence that the necklace being sold was fake and they were going to use Niall to sneak behind the scenes and snap some pics, but if they were to challenge the authenticity of the necklace during the bidding, there could be a high chance that the necklace was going to be swapped after the bidding, and Charlotte had no idea of knowing what they were going to do and if they were to swap the necklace after the bidding, Charlotte's accusations would fall flat, but either way, Niall will have to sneak some pictures of the behind the scenes and it was time that he was sent on to that little mission.

"The tie color looks hideous on me."

"You think waiters dress to impress?"

"I'm serving rich people, of course I'd want someone to take interest in me."

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