Chapter Seven: One Lie Leads to Another

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"Or should I say, Lady Bernard?"

"You may, Ms Chloe Allard."

The two maidens stare holes into each other's faces until Akardi finally breaks the silence.

"I see you two have met. Lady Bernard, meet Ms Chloe Allard."

"Hello Ms Allard, I'm Charlotte Bernard, wife of Seigneur Bernard."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, lady Bernard, but the last time I checked, Seigneur Bernard had passed away."

Akardi looks a little confused and stares at Charlotte who clearly knows by now that this bitch has come here to mess things up. As if ruining one of her favorite wedding gowns wasn't enough, she had to come and put insult to injury.

"He passed away the night of our wedding."

"Oh, so very regretful to open your wound again."

"Not at all Ms Allard. I like talking about my Lord. They passed away too soon."

Akardi was a smart man. He had figured out that there was some tension between the two ladies and being a smart man he started to get the hell out of there before any cat fights break lose.

"Then, Lady Bernard, Ms Allard, it was a pleasure to meet you both, but I'll be leaving now. I hope we meet again in the future."

Akardi bows and leaves and both the ladies simultaneously say goodbye to him.

"Okay Chloe, what's the matter with? Why are you here?"

"I have a job for you."

"I am already in the middle of a job. I can not take another one."

"It's about Maksim Shostakovich."

Charlotte eyes wide open after hearing the name. Maksim Shostakovich. Maybe listening to what Chloe had to say might bring her closer to Niall.

"Go on."

"I want to get closer to Maksim and sign a contract with him and I need your help for it."

"How do you think I can help?"

"Didn't you just plant a spy in his house?"

"Oh yeah, yeah I did."

Charlotte knew that claiming Niall as a spy was a bit far fetched since she didn't even know where Niall was being taken or if he even was going to stay in the country, but there was one thing that Charlotte knew for sure and that was that she'll never admit defeat to Chloe even if she had to lie and make things worse for herself.

"If you help me gain information on Maksim and sign a contract with him, I'll help you get your spy out of there."

Good deal. But there was a slight problem and that was that Charlotte didn't know how she could get information on Shostakovich and make it sensitive enough for him to sign a contract with the French lady. But Charlotte knew that Chloe had strong ties and if she were to have her help somehow, she could potentially bring Niall home and the best part was that the help she was planning on taking from Matthew, she'll now be able to take from Chloe.


They both recorded voice messages at that moment and snapped a picture and recorded a video together as proof for their peace treaty. This was all temporary since Charlotte couldn't sign a contract with Chloe at that moment since she wasn't planning on facing Matthew till she had found Niall and even though the proof were things that could be easily faked, but there was nothing else to do. Maybe they could have signed a stone but in such a high end area, they weren't even able to find a stone to mark. Very tragic. Charlotte retires for the day and Chloe leaves too. Now, the next thing that Charlotte needed to do, was to make up an excuse that restricts Matthew from meeting Niall and at that point she wasn't able to think of anything so she picked up Niall's phone, texted Matthew that he was going to Australia to find himself and turned off his phone. The phone could be tracked but Charlotte was ready to risk it since she couldn't afford getting rid of Niall's phone. Even if Matthew traced it back to Charlotte she could just say that he slept here last night and had left his phone in the morning. At that time, that seemed to be the most plausible solution for this problem.

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