Chapter Eight: Finding Niall

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Charlotte fixes her lipstick in the mirror and puts the soap sample in her bag. It isn't stealing if she was going to use it anyway. She walks out the bathroom door to see if Colton had woken but he was still fast asleep. Charlotte took this chance to message Matthew that the deed was done. It's easier to tamper with corrupt men like Colton. Charlotte was sure that someone like Akardi would budge too if he were to be tempted enough, and this was one of the reasons why she wanted to befriend Akardi's partner too. Giving her a card will only benefit Charlotte in the future. But to meet her, she'll have to get to Maksim first, and then Niall, which was Charlotte's top priority now. Charlotte was smart and always kept an eye out for every possible attack, and thinking that Maksim or Akardi might try to get information about Charlotte through Niall wasn't a possibility that could be thrown out too easily. Charlotte knew that she needed to get to Niall fast and do it before Matthew or Chloe started asking questions. Getting to the wedding or the engagement would be easy if she were to set herself a meeting with Akardi. So the next thing to do was to schedule that damn meeting but Niall wasn't here to help her and she possibly couldn't ask Matthew, so she had to ask someone else and in this case that someone would be her personal driver, who Charlotte likes to call Isaac, since she never actually was told his name.

Through Isaac, she manages to get access to Niall's personal contacts list and his work emails and personal laptop, which she gave to Isaac to now work as Niall. Niall was very remote and silent at how he got around things. To this day, Charlotte doesn't know how he managed to get her the Lady title, which proved how good he was at his job. In Charlotte's opinion, he was wasting his talent, but she wasn't too unhappy that he would always help her when she needed him, and this is what made Charlotte care for him so much and worry about his safety, because if it was Matthew in Niall's place, she would've taken over the firm and operate it as her own, but our girl could only dream for the day that Matthew messes up. Maybe, if Charlotte couldn't get her grimly hands on Matthew, she can settle for his younger brother. They have the same facial features, almost the same height and build. The only things that are different between them are the way they sound and behave and how they style and present themselves, and Niall's wasn't that much worse than that of Matthew's, granted it wasn't much better either. He was more nerdy, but he could potentially pass as a love interest since the other one is already off the marketplace. Well, Charlotte will first have to get to Niall before asking him out.

"Hello, Lady Bernard. Pleasure to see you again."

"Ugh. All you men are the same."


"You all say the same thing. I'm Ms Charlotte and you're Mr Akardi. That's the end of it."

Akardi chuckles.

"Sure, as you say, Ms Charlotte. So, what's the purpose of our meeting."

"You see, I love event planning. I have always wanted to plan weddings and I just saw in the news last night that Mr. Shostakovich were getting married soon, and I thought that I could maybe you know, help plan his wedding or at least see how they do these things, because Lord Bernard never let me oversee our wedding preparation since he wanted it to be a surprise. Please."

Akardi smiles.

"You can get married again but I'll see what I can do. Maksim let me take over his wedding preparation, so this could help us bond too. I usually take my business partners golfing, but of course I wouldn't take a lady like yourself golfing."

"You are the most considerate. Let me tell you a secret, I've never seen someone golf in my life."

"Oh, that's weird. I heard Lord Bernard loved golfing."

"They did."

Charlotte remembered vaguely, beating him up with a golf club.

"I didn't. So I never went with them."

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