Chapter 1

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Engfa's POV

Have you ever had the feeling that you are having the best sleep after a long time and then somebody comes and ruins it? Well, that is exactly what happened to me today. My sisters Plaifa and Nudee came into my room to wake me up.

"Engfa it's already 10 am get up remember we have to go to see Mom," says Plaifa

I moved around the bed "It's Saturday morning and mom is expecting us in the afternoon. Why are you guys here so early?"

Nudee opened the blinds and the sun entered which blinded my eyes "Yes she is but we still have to go grocery shopping for tonight and tomorrow since we will be staying with her the night." she said

I turned around and put the covers over my head and said "Okay, then you guys go grocery shopping and then come back to get me, or better yet I will see you there."

Silence fell in the room and that could only mean something bad so I decided to look around the room, as soon as my head came out from the covers Nudee threw water to my face and started laughing.

"Now you are definitely going to get up," says Plaifa

As I was getting out of bed I looked at Plaifa and said "And then I am the childish sister."

"Come on hurry up if not Tina and Chompu will get there before us," says Nudee

I went to the bathroom took a shower, changed into some comfortable pants and a large T-shirt, and packed a bag with some comfy clothes and my work clothes. I went downstairs to get something to drink and found both my sisters waiting for me while having a glass of juice.

"O please enjoy my food, it's not like you have to ask for permission," I said sarcastically

"Thank you," says Nudee with her big smile.

I went to one of the kitchen counters and took my computer with me because I stayed up working last night and I knew that I would be working tomorrow as on Monday I had my morning full of meetings. 

As we are leaving Plaifa says "You have a sad life you're lonely you need to get out more, and you are always working late" with a scolding tone with a hint of worry.

"I am not lonely, I have you guys and you know I like working" I reply.

We went grocery shopping and we took a long time as Plaifa and Nudee couldn't decide on what to buy because they have different food tastes. Since I am the middle child I had to bargain with them for every single item that they wanted. Things like this make me hate being the middle child. After we finished shopping we went to our Mom's house so we could spend the day there along with our friends Tina and Chompu. After I earned enough money I bought my mom a house big enough so that each of us had her own room and so she could have a lot of guests in it without having to worry if they would all fit. We got to my Mom's house and started to get out the groceries and accommodate them in the kitchen once we finished the doorbell rang and it was Tina and Chompu. We all said hi to one another and gathered in the kitchen to help my Mom with the cooking or at least try to help her.

"So you guys came in here so fast with all these groceries that I didn't ask how has your day been so far?" my mom says

"Well my day was going great I was sleeping safe and sound on my bed in my house until your daughters came into my house woke me up and one of them threw water to my face. Other than that my day has been a blast." I say

They all started laughing at me not because they didn't believe me but because of the way I said it.

"By the way I am going to need my house keys that I made for you guys back," I said to my sisters

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