Chapter 8

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Charlotte's POV

For the past month, we've been working at the hospital nonstop, dealing with so many cases that involve a lot of children and families. It is very hard because the weight is even bigger for me and therefore I can get anxious most of the time. Aoom and Meena helped me deal with it, even Engfa has helped me even though she doesn't know it. Ever since our talk at the restaurant we've been able to communicate more efficiently with each other which has helped in our dynamics when we have to deal with the same cases. 

Today was a late night, I've fallen into that habit again for the past two weeks which is not good because it is when I am alone that my anxiety can happen. I was overwhelmed with everything that we had to do especially for this weekend and I didn't even notice Engfa enter my office.

"Hey, is everything alright?" asked Engfa as she knocked on the door

I looked up "Yeah, everything is fine. It's just that I've been thinking about the workload this weekend," I said

"Yeah, I get it but you should get some sleep, you've been working late all nights this week, that is not good for you," she said with a concerned tone

I didn't even know she noticed about my habits. For the past month, I've come to the conclusion that Engfa is an observant person. 

Sometimes both of us stay late to work on the cases that we share, and we have close encounters, normally she doesn't say or do anything that could make me uncomfortable. However, every time we get close to kissing I pull away last minute because I get scared and then she just distances herself from me for a while. She is caring with me, but when things like this happen we don't talk much to each other which sometimes bothers me because she becomes a serious person and I feel bad because even though she doesn't say anything I know it hurts her. 

"Come one we should get going, it's almost 10 pm," said Engfa as she exited my office

I arrived home, ate something, and then went to bed. 


The next morning I went to the hospital as usual and there Engfa was again working on her cases with Nudee, Chompu, and Tina. I went into my office to meet with Aoom and Meena because there were two cases to which we were doing follow-up today.

Since today was Wednesday after lunch we were going to have a meeting of both of our foundations to make sure everything was okay. We got into the habit of eating together and so we would eat in the common room of both offices to make it easier. 

We started to eat our lunch and everybody started to talk about random stuff until Plaifa enthusiastically came into the meeting room.

"Okay, so who is taking whom to the event this weekend?" asked Plaifa

"Don't you have work?" asked Engfa

"Yes I do but I am on lunch break so I decided to come here. Now answer the question," said Plaifa

Everybody stayed silent, I mean I knew Aoom and Meena would go together, Heidi told me that she would be going with someone but other than that I didn't know anything.

Engfa's POV

So to no one's surprise, my sisters found out about my crush on Charlotte and so they've been pushing me to ask her to come with me to the event this weekend but I can't the last thing she needs is for me to make her feel uncomfortable. Every time we have a moment she pulls away very quickly and then avoids looking at me in the eye. 


We were at my mom's house during the weekend as usual and they started to get curious as to why I was spending so much time with Charlotte

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