Chapter 10

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Engfa's POV

We were still at the event, we had just finished eating our food and we started to walk around the venue along with Charlotte. Every single man was looking at her, at how she moved, the way she talked, and the way she smiled. I know because those are all the things that I looked at when it came to her. Normally when the investors would come and talk to us she would let me do all the talking, I could sense that she was nervous so I would take the lead and whenever she wanted to jump in she would. 

At some point during the evening, Pang came and took Charlotte with her, and then Teresa came and took me with her.

"So Engfa how are you finding this evening?" Teresa asked

"It's good, there are a lot of people but they seem interested in us, in our job, and at the moment that is all that I ask," I said

"I see that you are getting along well with Charlotte. You haven't separated one moment from her side ever since you came in. Are you interested in her in some way?" she asked in a curious tone. 

Her tone reminded me of the one my mother used when it came to asking me about my friends and potential romantic relationships

"We have gotten closer with time. We both work on the same things and we both feel passionate about our foundations, especially about working with kids," I said

"And what about answering my question?" she asked once more

"To be honest I don't know what I can or cannot say in front of you, all I know is that I do like her. But I could never do anything to jeopardize the work we have achieved together which is why I think that we should stay the way we are. We should just keep working together, be there for one another, support one another, and just be present," I said looking back at Teresa

"Is that what you really want? Are making that decision with your head or your heart?" she asked once more

"If I were to have made a decision with my heart I would have already kissed her and ruined everything which is why I decided to make it with my head. In the short amount of time that I've known her, I've fallen for her in a way I never thought possible. Just thinking about hurting her makes me physically sick therefore I can't let her go through it or put myself through it either." I said as I looked at Teresa in the eyes

"Well, maybe I can help you change your mind and help you gather the courage to take a further step. And if I can't maybe there are other people who can help me. Now let's continue walking because I want you to meet some other people. Don't worry about Charlotte Pang will take good care of her," Teresa said in a calm voice

"Okay let's go meet them. By the way, I know that Pang will take care of Charlotte, why do you think that I've spent all this time talking to you without looking for her? That is because I trust Pang when it comes to Charlotte," I said with a triumphant smile as we continued walking

Charlotte's POV

Engfa and I had been talking to a lot of people throughout the evening. At times I felt uncomfortable because of all the men who were looking at me. Engfa would notice and she would ask me if I was okay or if I wanted to leave or sit down. I could feel their eyes on me but the only eyes that I wanted were hers but she never looked at me. Instead, she would always keep a straight face and look straight ahead and smile at the people approaching us. She sensed that I wasn't a big talker which is why she talked most of the time and whenever I felt secure of myself I would jump in. She was very patient with me in that whole aspect.

At some point, P'Pang took me away from Engfa and Teresa May started to talk with Engfa as they walked all over the venue. I could see that they talked alone for a while and then Teresa started to introduce Engfa to other people. Engfa would give them the same attention and charming smile that she would give to the people we would talk to. 

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