Chapter 5

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Engfa's POV

It was Friday morning and I was getting ready for the gathering that Mr. Nawat and his associates invited us to on Monday. Since it is a business meeting but also a social gathering I decided to wear a bottom-up white shirt that has an oversized style tucked into my light blue jeans and with a black belt from Chanel. I decided to go with loose hair and not much makeup. 

Plaifa and Nudee were on their way to pick me up so that the three of us could go together to the gathering. I called my mom ahead of time and told her that we would be going to her house today at night so she wouldn't expect us for lunch or dinner. Tina and Chompu are going to meet us at the address and they are also going to go see my mom later on tonight. 

Nudee wrote to me saying that they were outside so I went outside along with my bag and got into my sister's car.

"Hi, thanks for picking me up," I said to Plaifa as I got into the back seat.

"No problem sis. So we put the address into Google Maps and it takes us to a house are you sure that is where we are supposed to go?" Said Plaifa

"Yeah, I mean that's what the card says so it must be right. Plus he made it seem like this is more than just a business gathering, and more of a social one as if they want to get to know us better personally rather than professionally. So it makes sense that it is in a house." I said as I looked at my phone

"Okay, so Chompu has texted me and said Tina and her are on their way too. So we should get going so that we get there together," said Nudee

While we drove there I started to check my social media, both my Instagram account and my TikTok account. I also checked the foundation's social media, in terms of the website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts since after today we were going to announce our incorporation into the hospital. I got so distracted by doing that, that I didn't pay attention to what my sisters were talking about, well more arguing about, but they didn't seem to care that I wasn't listening. This was good for me because then I wouldn't have to intervene in their argument. 

A few minutes later we got to the house and it was beautiful. Clearly, it was a big house, it had a black gate that when opened cars could come in and out of the house, and it had enough space for cars to be parked on the other side of the gate. The house was a two-story house that had a beautiful front garden that decorated the house nicely. From the outside one could guess that the house had at least 5 bedrooms which means that the common areas such as the living room, dining room, and kitchen are big enough to fit those people. 

As I looked around Tina and Chompu arrived and were shocked with the house as much as the three of us were when we got here. We didn't have time to say anything because one of the guards that was there opened the gate to let our cars in. So we got into our cars and went inside. 

 Nawat came out of the house dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt and greeted us.

"Girls, it is so wonderful to see you again. I hope you guys are hungry because we are making a lot of food inside with Teresa and Pang." He said with a smile as he approached us.

He invited us into the house and it was amazing, everything was clean and the spaces were very big. The smell of the kitchen got to us and we went straight there to say hi but also to help with anything they might need. When we got there Teresa was cooking and Pang was setting up the table. However, the amount of places that were set was far more than we were which made me think that we were expecting more people to join us.

"Hi it is good to see you guys the food is almost ready but we were thinking that while we wait for other guests to join us we should start with some snacks so that we don't get too hungry," said Teresa as she approached with some bowls that had different sauces to dip into.

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