Chapter 3

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Engfa's POV

It's 7:30 am on Monday and I am in my office waiting for my team to come in so that we can start preparing for the meeting that will be held at 9:30 am. Luckily I will be doing this presentation with Tina, Chompu, and my sister Nudee. Since this is the most important presentation that could easily make or break the foundation in terms of its chances of growth I need to make a good impression. Therefore I believe that one makes a good impression in the way one dresses on how much thought you put into it, it's noticed. I am wearing a black suit with black heels that make me seem taller than I actually am. My hair is arranged in a bun, not a messy bine but one that shows formality. However, there is a strand of hair loss coming from my right side. My makeup is not too heavy, it's natural for my eyes after all this is a business event.

The morning went by and before I knew it we were told that Mr. Nawat and two of his associates were waiting for us. Nawat came in wearing black pants and a coat with a white shirt. 

He walked towards me with a smile and said "Hi Engfa, it is so nice to see you again, you look as beautiful and professional as always." 

"It's so nice to see you too Mr. Nawat," I said as I shook his hand.

We looked around and I started the introductions first.

"These are Tina and Chompu, they are in charge of the legal department of the foundation as they oversee the legitimacy of the operations done through and by the foundation," I said as Nawat and his two associates greeted them

I continued "And this is Nesa, my little sister who has recently graduated from university in communications, she will be accompanying us in this project as the foundation is legally hers as well, and since she is one day going to be in charge of the entire communications department." I said as she was greeted and congratulated by all three of them. 

Before we started with the presentation Nawat wanted to introduce his two associates. "I would like you to meet my business partners and long-time friends Teresa May and Pang. The three of us are shareholders of the hospital to which we would like the foundation to form a part and also we are three of the hospital's board members. The three of us have been a team for the past 10 years and we would very much like to make this decision as a team as well." he said with a broad smile.

We greeted them properly, they seemed to be thoughtful women who cared about the issues that the foundation treats. They could potentially be good role models for many children and women out there, even for me.

We presented them our plan on how the foundation will integrate itself into the hospital and not the other way around. Therefore it would be less work adjustment to the hospital and more for us however we planned for it as we did our research and we were showing exactly that to them and they seemed pleased with what they were seeing.

Once we finished with the presentation they stayed quiet while finishing to look at the reports with all the information that we researched and made sure to give it to them since the beginning of the presentation.

The suspense was killing me they kept looking at each other without saying a word. I don't think I will ever experience this kind of nerves ever again in my life.

They stood up and both Teresa and Pang gave a signal to Nawat to talk.

"Congratulations my dearest Engfa you and your team have impressed us far beyond what we expected. Congratulations and welcome to our family," said Nawat

"I am sure that you guys will help a lot of people and make a difference in their lives. And if there is anything we can do to facilitate that don't hesitate to ask," said Teresa with a wide smile

To be honest I was still in shock that we accomplished our goal and I almost forgot to thank them for the opportunity. I feel liberated like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Thank you so much for letting us be a part of this amazing hospital," I say

Before we all walked out of the meeting room Nawat stopped in his tracks and faced me once more to say goodbye.

"Now we have to go as there is one more meeting we have to attend today, but we would like it if all four of you came to the address that this card indicates so that we can commemorate and also sign the necessary paperwork so that you guys can start at the hospital as soon as possible. Come to meet us on Friday afternoon and you guys can stay to eat. Also, Engfa make sure your sister Plaifa comes so that she can sign her new contract as we received an email from her accepting our offer earlier this morning." says Nawat with a wide smile while we say goodbye.

"Okay then, have a good rest of the day, and see you all three of you on Friday," I say while shaking their hands

They walked out of the meeting room and once that door closed I felt like I could finally breathe. I looked at the girls and they smiled, shouted, and jumped for joy. I went to my office and packed my stuff for the day. All the tension that had been building up this past couple of days had reached its peak and I knew I needed to release it somehow. I took out a bag that I keep in one of my office cabinets that has my gym clothes and headed out.

As I was heading out Tina entered and said "We are going out to celebrate with the girls. Are you coming?"

"Thanks, Tina but I am actually going to the gym, I need to get rid of this tension and have some time for myself and my thoughts. But you guys go ahead and celebrate you guys deserve it." I said

"You know, you deserve it too," she said with a nostalgic tone

"I know but you know how I can be, I have my own way of celebrating. So see you tomorrow and take care of my sister," I said with a smile as I walked away towards the elevator.

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