Chapter 4

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Charlotte's POV

I was sitting in my office waiting for the afternoon to come as the meeting was at 12:30 pm. Aoom came into my office sat on one of the couches and started to work from there, 20 minutes later Meena came in and sat next to Aoom with her computer and started working both of them haven't said anything to me since they entered. However I knew what they were doing, they knew that I could potentially have an anxiety attack due to waiting for the meeting so they decided to keep me company.

"You know, you guys don't have to do this, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and asking for help if I need it. You guys do not need to stop what you are doing just for me" I said as I walked towards them and sat in front of them on another couch.

"You do realize that you are very important to us. This is something we would do however many times it is needed for your well-being," said Aoom in a serious tone

"Yeah, plus why do you think we brought our computers and files here, we are working, we haven't stopped working, we have only changed the location, from our office to yours," said Meena with a smile.

About an hour later Ice joined us bringing a bag of food with her. Ice, Aoom, and Meena ate while they talked about the new campaign that they were working on and the one I had already approved. I kept myself occupied with my phone as I knew I couldn't keep looking at the presentation because if not my insecurities would arise.

"You know, you should it, I know that due to the nerves, you don't feel you are hungry but your body needs food to have energy," said Ice as she approached me with a small bowl of rice and vegetables.

I looked at her and she had a serious look, then I looked at Meena and Aoom and they had a pleading look that made me realize that they were worried about me. I took the bowl and started eating slowly because I wasn't hungry but I knew that they were right.

"I know that you don't feel hungry and that you are only eating because we are worried about you and for that, I have to thank you Charlotte," said Aoom with a smile

I smiled and said, "If I can help you guys worry less about me then I will do it plus you guys are right the last thing we need is for me to not be able to do the presentation due to loss of energy."

I ate my food and minded my business and the girls kept themselves occupied talking about the new campaign I decided to listen to their progress but didn't intervene. With that, the morning went by fast and before we knew it we were in the meeting room waiting for Nawat, Teresa May, and P'Pang to arrive.

The elevator door opened and the three of them came out of it and directed toward us. The three of them have come to this office before so they know their way around it. They came in and Nawat was the first to greet us, followed by Teresa and finally P'Pang.

"Charlotte, Aoom, and Meena so nice to see you, are we going to wait for Heidi and Marima to arrive or are we alright to start," Nawat said as we all started to take our respective sits.

"As much as I would love to wait for them we can't there was an emergency that they needed to attend to in one of the locations with a prototype and they needed to be there to make sure everything was alright. However, they should be back by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest and they have to stay here for some time." I said as I stood up to be in front of the room to start presenting.

Meena, Aoom, and I presented them with how the foundation would integrate itself into the hospital if our project were to be approved. We explained how the different pediatric departments of the hospital would be affected by it and that we would offer training for the doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and medicine students on how our devices are used and how the patients and doctors can benefit from them.

Once we finished the presentation we waited for them to finish reading the report that Ice had given them when we started the presentation. P'Pang was the first to stop reading and looked at me with a smile. Then Teresa May was the next to finish and she smiled and nodded towards us. Nawat took a few more minutes to finish. Once he looked up and smiled at us I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Charlotte I must congratulate you, you have exceeded our expectations and have made us very happy to have you and this company as part of the hospital," said Nwat with enthusiasm and a wide smile.

"The three of you have shown growth and Charlotte you've shown the kind of leader you are based on how successfully you have managed to execute this task that we've given you," said P'Pang as she held our hands and gave me a hug

"You guys have no idea how happy this makes me and all of us because of the hard work that we put into this project. I hope that I've made you guys proud with all of this. I wanted to feel like I've earned it and not that you are giving this to me because of our history," I said with gratitude

"Charlotte we have known you for quite some time, we know what you are capable of and what you can accomplish with the right people by your side and that is why we accepted this project. Don't ever think for one moment that you don't deserve this because you do and so much more. And we hope that by accepting this project we are helping you to take some steps further unto the future that you deserve," said Teresa May with a motherly and pride tone. 

I smiled and hugged the three of them to thank them for their kind words and then I hugged the girls because without them I would've given up a long time ago.

"Now we would like to commemorate this new project therefore we would love if you four Marima, and Heidi would go to the house that is at this address this Friday afternoon. There we would sign the contract, eat, and negotiate what you guys need from us, the doctors, and the staff to make this a success. I would also like to say that we've invited some other people that we would love for you guys to meet," said Nwat as we were all walking out of the meeting room.

"Thank you and we will be there to celebrate with you guys, we can't wait," I said with enthusiasm as we finished saying our last goodbyes

I hugged the girls and thanked them again and then I decided to go to my office and pack my things because I wanted to go home to relax, eat, and recharge my energy for the rest of the day. I didn't have to say anything to the girls because they already knew what I was going to do and they knew I needed this time for myself to just breathe a little more. So I got into my Audi and left to go home for the rest of the day and just looked forward to Friday to sign the contract and make everything official.

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