Chapter 5: A Nighttime Encounter

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Friday arrived, and the restaurant buzzed with its usual energy. Nat, with a heightened sense of anticipation, couldn't shake the excitement that Max's presence had injected into his Fridays. As he navigated the tables, his eyes frequently darted to the entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious regular.

"Maybe Max will show up again tonight. Last Friday was... unexpected."

As the evening unfolded, Nat's enthusiasm soared. However, as time passed, Max's familiar figure remained absent from the entrance.

Nat, now genuinely curious, approached Jake and Eva.

Nat leaning in "Hey, did either of you notice if Max came in tonight?"

Jake, wiping down a table, shook his head, "Haven't seen him. Maybe he's running late?"

Eva, arranging silverware, added, "Or maybe he's got other plans tonight."

Nat noddingm"Yeah, could be. Just seemed unusual after he introduced himself last time. Got me wondering."

As the night progressed, Nat continued his duties, a mix of disappointment and intrigue coloring his interactions with other customers. The absence of Max added an unexpected layer of mystery to the evening.

Nat to himself "Guess I'll have to wait for the next surprise. People are full of surprises, aren't they?"

With a wistful smile, Nat carried on, still hopeful for the return of the captivating regular who had momentarily disrupted the routine of the restaurant.

The night wrapped around Nat like a shroud of disappointment as he walked home. The absence of Max had cast a shadow over his evening, and he couldn't shake the feeling of longing for the mysterious regular who had briefly become a captivating fixture in his Fridays.

"Maybe he found another place. People do change their routines."

With a sigh, Nat continued walking, his thoughts a carousel of speculation. Max, once just a customer, had unwittingly become a regular in Nat's mind, occupying his thoughts in a way that went beyond the boundaries of the restaurant.

As Nat traversed the dimly lit streets, a subtle unease crept over him. Sensing a presence behind him, he quickened his pace. Choosing paths illuminated by streetlights, he tried to shake off the feeling of being followed.

Then, a voice cut through the night.

"Nat, please wait."

Nat froze, his heart skipping a beat. Turning around, he saw Max, the man who had become an enigmatic presence in his world. The disappointment that had cloaked him moments ago lifted, replaced by a surreal sense of joy.

Nat with excitement "Max! What are you doing here?"

Max, a shy smile playing on his lips, admitted, "Just taking a walk when I saw you."

Nat's big smile returned, "Okay."

"Can I walk with you?"

Nat, playfully teasing, replied, "Sure, where are you going anyway?"

Max, caught off guard, stammered, "Well, just need a walk. I've been sitting all day."

Nat couldn't help but tease further, "Yeah, sure, as if your office is near here."

Max, with a shock expression, questioned, "How do you know?"

Nat looked at Max, amused, "You always come with your car. Obviously, your office is not near here."

Nat, shifted the conversation, "Um, my apartment is here."

Seizing the moment, Max took a bold step.

Max: "Can I ask for your number?"

Nat, with a flirty smile, replied, "Four, joke haha. Sure."

Nat took Max's phone, swiftly typing his number.

Nat: "Here. Good night, Max."

Max, returning the sentiment, said, "Good night, Nat."

As they parted ways, the city around them seemed to soften, as if nature itself conspired to create a canvas for a budding connection between two individuals who had, until now, been only strangers in the night.

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