Chapter 12: Echoes of Intimacy and Doubt

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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across Nat's room. As he stirred awake, the events of the night before flooded back into his consciousness, bringing with them a mixture of warmth and a hint of soreness. Max's absence beside him.

Nat reached for his phone, finding a message from Max that read, "Left a little early. Didn't want to wake you. Call me when you're up. ❤️"

Nat couldn't help but smile at the sweetness of Max's message. As he sat up, he felt a twinge, a physical reminder of the passionate night they had shared. A mixture of emotions swirled within him—excitement, a touch of vulnerability, and a newfound closeness with Max.

As Nat got out of bed and moved through the morning routine, the memories of their time together lingered. The apartment seemed quieter in Max's absence, and Nat couldn't help but wonder how their connection would evolve from here.

Dressed and ready, Nat picked up his phone and dialed Max's number. The phone rang a few times before Max's voice, warm and familiar, greeted him.

Max: "Hey, Nat. Good morning."

Nat, with a soft chuckle, replied, "Morning. You left quite early."

Max: "Didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep. How are you feeling?"

Nat, teasingly, responded, "A little sore, but in a good way."

Max, with a laugh, said, "Glad to hear it. Last night was... amazing."

As they shared a few more words, Nat couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The vulnerability of the morning after was met with reassurance and a growing closeness between him and Max.


Max sat at his desk, the glow of his computer screen casting a soft light on his face. The lingering warmth from the night with Nat filled the room, and the message on his phone from Nat added an extra layer of comfort.

Nat's voice came through the phone, breaking the office silence.

As Max hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a newfound lightness. The connection with Nat had deepened, and the lack of awkwardness or discomfort reassured him. The day ahead might be filled with professional duties, but the echoes of the night before lingered, creating a subtle shift in the air of Max's office.

Grace, Max's secretary, knocked on the door before entering, holding the something in her hands.

"Good morning, Sir. Here's the draft from our new writer."

Max, glancing at the title, "Waiting for You by Natasit." He felt a familiar warmth washing over him. He took the draft from Grace, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

"Thanks, Grace. I'll take a look."

As he read through the pages, Max couldn't escape the sense of nostalgia. Scenes unfolded on the paper, resonating with the shared intimacy he and Nat had experienced. The lines between fiction and reality blurred, creating a tapestry of emotions that Max found both exhilarating and perplexing.

Intrigued, Max decided to learn more about the writer behind the evocative prose. He asked Grace for information, and as she sent over the details, Max's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Nat's photo.

Max, to himself "Natasit... Nat wrote this?"

The realization struck him like a chord, creating a symphony of conflicting emotions. Max found himself grappling with the revelation that the passion captured in the novel was inspired by their own intimate encounter.

Grace, sensing Max's contemplation, asked, "Is everything okay, Max?"

Max, looking up from the draft, replied, "Yeah, it's just... unexpected. I didn't know Nat was a writer."

Max, still processing the discovery. As he continued to read the novel, the lines between reality and fiction blurred even further, creating a complex tapestry of emotions that Max would need to navigate.

After reading the novel Max call Grace. "Grace, could you come in for a moment?"

Grace entered, her professional demeanor in place.

Grace: "You called, Sir?"

Max, leaning back in his chair, asked, "Can you check if Natasit, the writer of 'Waiting for You,' is available for a meeting? I'd like to discuss the novel in person."

Grace, typing swiftly on her tablet, nodded. "Certainly, Sir. Let me check their schedule."

As Max waited for the scheduled meeting with Natasit, a swirl of thoughts and emotions occupied his mind. The initial excitement gave way to a subtle unease. The connection between the novel and their intimate night left a lingering question in Max's thoughts – was Nat using their personal moments as material for the book?

The minutes ticked away, each one accompanied by a growing sense of uncertainty. Max couldn't help but replay their interactions, wondering if Nat's intentions had been purely genuine or if there was a hidden agenda.

Grace returned with the finalized details for the meeting, breaking Max from his contemplation.

Grace: "Everything is set for your meeting with Natasit this afternoon."

Max, with a forced smile, replied, "Thanks, Grace. I appreciate it."

As the meeting approached, Max grappled with conflicting emotions. He wanted to believe that their connection was authentic, yet the nagging doubt lingered. The prospect of being used for the sake of a novel weighed heavily on his mind.

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