Chapter 14: Two Waiters

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Days had passed since Nat's abrupt departure from the cafe, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease and unanswered questions. Despite his best efforts to reach out to Max, each attempt had been met with silence, leaving Nat to grapple with the uncertainty that gnawed at his insides.

Nat paced his apartment, his phone clutched tightly in his hand as he contemplated his next move. With each unanswered call and message, his frustration grew, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation churning within him.

"Come on, Max. Just pick up the phone. We need to talk."

With a sigh of frustration, Nat tossed his phone onto the couch, his mind racing with thoughts of what could be keeping Max occupied. Had he read the draft of Nat's novel? Was he angry about Nat's sudden departure from their supposed meeting?

As the hours passed, Nat found himself restless, unable to shake the feeling of impending uncertainty that hung over him like a dark cloud.

Just as he was about to give up hope, his phone chimed with a message from Grace, the familiar notification drawing his attention.

"Hi Nat, Max is currently tied up with meetings and deadlines. I'll let you know as soon as there's a chance to reschedule our meeting. Hang in there."

Nat's heart sank at the impersonal message, the lack of reassurance only serving to deepen his sense of frustration.

"Great. Just great."

With a heavy sigh, Nat sank onto the couch, the weight of unanswered questions weighing heavily on his shoulders. Despite his best efforts to push aside his doubts and fears, the uncertainty of his future with Max loomed large, casting a shadow over his once bright outlook.


The bustling atmosphere of the restaurant enveloped Nat as he moved through the familiar surroundings, his last day of work tinged with a bittersweet sense of farewell. The clinking of glasses and murmur of conversations filled the air, mingling with the gentle strains of music drifting from the stage.

Nat's gaze swept across the room, pausing momentarily as he spotted Yim tuning his guitar in preparation for the evening's impromptu performance. Despite Yim's rise to fame as a singer-actor, he occasionally graced the restaurant stage with his presence, a testament to his humble beginnings and enduring friendship with Nat.

Approaching Yim with a fond smile, Nat couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia at the sight of his friend amidst the familiar setting.

"Hey, Yim. Long time no see. Ready to serenade the crowd tonight?"

Yim, his eyes alight with warmth, replied, "Hey, Nat! Always a pleasure to be back here, even if it's just for old times' sake. And with you here, it's even better."

Nat chuckled, a sense of camaraderie washing over him as he joined Yim by the stage.

"Likewise, Yim. It wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks for being here tonight, especially on my last day."

Yim grinned, strumming a few chords on his guitar as he settled into the familiar rhythm.

"Consider it my farewell gift to you, Nat. Besides, where else would I get the chance to perform for such an intimate crowd?"

Nat nodded, a sense of gratitude swelling within him for Yim's unwavering support.

"Well, let's make it a night to remember then. Your music, the ambiance... it's the perfect way to bid farewell to this chapter of my life."

With a shared nod of agreement, Nat and Yim prepared to immerse themselves in the magic of music, the strains of melody serving as a poignant backdrop to Nat's final moments in the restaurant that had been both a sanctuary and a stepping stone on his journey.


As Nat stepped out into the cool evening air during his break, he scanned the bustling restaurant courtyard, his eyes searching for Yim's familiar figure. Spotting Yim at the back of the restaurant, Nat quickened his pace, eager to catch up with his friend and enjoy a brief respite from the hectic evening rush.

However, as Nat drew closer, his steps faltered and his heart clenched in his chest at the scene unfolding before him. A man had cornered Yim against the wall, his face dangerously close to Yim's, as he leaned in for an unwanted kiss.

Nat's initial shock quickly gave way to a surge of protective fury. Without a moment's hesitation, he charged forward, his instincts overriding any sense of caution.

"Hey! Get off him!"

Yim, startled by Nat's sudden appearance, pushed against the man's chest, trying to create distance between them.

"Nat, what are you doing here?"

Ignoring Yim's question, Nat launched himself at the owner, his fists clenched in a primal urge to defend his friend. With a swift motion, he shoved the man away from Yim, his adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The man stumbled backward, a mixture of surprise and anger flashing across his face as he regained his balance.

"Who do you think you are? This is none of your business!"

Nat's chest heaved with exertion as he stood his ground, his gaze locked onto the owner with unwavering determination.

"It's my friend you're harassing. That makes it my business."

Before the situation could escalate further, Yim intervened, grabbing Nat's arm and pulling him away.

"Nat, stop! Let's go. It's not worth it."

Reluctantly, Nat allowed himself to be led away, his heart pounding with adrenaline and frustration. As they ran from the scene, Nat's gaze swept outside the resto, locking eyes with Max, who stood frozen in shock.

Their silent exchange spoke volumes, a mix of confusion and concern clouding Max's features. But in that moment, Nat knew that his priority was to support his friend, even as the unresolved tension between him and Max lingered in the air.

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