Chapter One

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Chapter one

The cool wind blows across my face as I look out at the breathtaking sight of, meadow crescent below me. I love standing at the top of high peak mountain, one of my favourite places to relax and think. Looking over the beautiful woodland that creates the perfect barrier to our hidden world. The path is blocked by trees and wild thorn bushes. The name comes with the territory. Beyond the trees and thorns lay the most gorgeous meadows that brighten this land with their bright colours and incredible scents. A large river sits past the grasslands, a small waterfall fills the silent surroundings. The ice blue water may seem inviting, but you should not underestimate its current. This river is dangerous, especially for the humans. They learnt that the hard way. When three young teens died in the lake. No one has stepped foot on our land since that fateful day six years ago.

The human city is not far away. Their town is a couple of miles past the woodland border. I love watching the city light twinkle in the night sky from here. It is one of my favourite places, and the reason my future changed. For I was foolish to admire their lands! My weakness gave my pack something else to use against me. At last they kept their control on me forever!

My name is Princess Aurora Faizan, and tomorrow I am set to leave my pack, The Blue-crescent, to join my mate. Prince Everest Price of the Silver-moon pack. My destiny was supposed to be, marry the prince and join our pack as one. The week before my eighteenth birthday, my parents found out. I had broken the wolf code and had a secret job.

Alpha Ryder Price agreed to let me keep my job with the humans when I join his pack. On one condition of our fathers. I show the wolves the humans mean no harm by allowing their future Luna to be with them unharmed. Once the pack trusts me, I must train the pack to control their wolves around the humans. My parents are not doing this for me. They enjoy hurting me. I have no experience in teaching others or dealing with stubborn wolves. I am a princess! Meaning they will forever remind me of my place. In the pack house, taking care of the alpha and his people. Not training or leading! My pack laughed at me when my father told them I would be training the Silver-moon pack to control their wolves around the humans. They said I am foolish for wanting this. Even when I did not! I wanted to leave the packs behind and move alone, but my Alpha will not allow me that!

Footsteps pull me from my thoughts, I managed to get twenty minutes alone! Today is my last day. Why can I not get an hour to myself? Anyone would think they actually wanted to spend time with me. When they are just rubbing in that I am not worthy of my job.

“There you are, I have been looking all over for you. I should have known you would be here.”

“Hi, Jack.”

“You ok?”

“Not really.”

“Sorry, stupid question.”

“Why is this happening to me, Jack? Why am I being forced to bring all these changes?”

“It will be difficult, Aurora, but I know you can do it.”

“I’m not so sure this time, Jack.”

“You are joking, right? Aurora Faizan, the only wolf to walk with the humans, doubts herself. I must be dreaming.” Side glancing Jack, who is sitting with a cheeky smile. He is my best friend, my only friend. Most of my pack despises me, because I am different. They hate my peace with the humans for they see them as the enemy. They cannot understand my love for their world and they never will. I enjoy being different from yet another she wolf who follows her alpha’s demands.

“I mean it, Jack; how can I marry Everest and join our packs and train his people, while working? I have not got it in me to bring the changes that they expect me to.”

Aurora changing their destiny Where stories live. Discover now