Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I look like shit! The dark black bags under my eyes show I have not slept. I need a strong coffee before I do anything this morning. Let us see if we can fix this tired, pale face first! I always look like the walking dead when I have a late night, and right now I would fit in with a vampire a lot more than a wolf shifter! Washing my face before doing anything, pulling out all my creams and makeup from my travel bag. I can hide the pale face and dark bags, but I cannot do anything about the red droopy eyes I have right now! 

Finishing off my makeup with some setting spray keeping everything in place. Well I look more human now, so that's great, but my eyes still look tired even with my smokey eye shadow! I hoped it would work, but I failed! 

Jaxen sits at the breakfast bar in the large kitchen, the rooms in this house are massive! The smell of strong coffee hits and I can already taste it as I walk over to the chair next to Jaxen. 

“Good morning, is there any coffee left in that pot?” Jaxen jumps, turning with a small smile. 

“You scared me, yes there is and good morning, you look tired.” How did he notice from this distance! I reach the chair sitting down, reaching straight for the pot!

“Thanks, so do you.” I could not sleep after Jaxen left me, I was tossing and turning all night! I think I may have got an hour's sleep if that. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Jaxen kissing me! When I did get to sleep I dreamt of Everest walking in, on  Jaxen and I kissing! It was a bad night! Taking a sip of the strong coffee, wow this is amazing!  

“You sound like you are enjoying that coffee.” 

“I am!”

“Coffee lover noted. Now, what would you like to eat? We have a busy morning. We need to eat now because I do not know when lunch will be.”

“I am used to the busy workload and not eating till late. Do not worry about me.” 

“I cannot help it. Now what will it be?”  

“Toast will be fine, thank you.” 

“Aurora, you do not need to keep thanking me. Is that all you want? I can make us some pancakes in ten minutes. How does golden syrup pancakes sound?”  


“Great, you drink your coffee, and I will get to cooking.” How can I show him I am a strong woman who does not need waiting on every moment of the day? I should just enjoy it because Everest cannot cook to save his life. I cannot think of him while I am with Jaxen. It feels wrong. Jaxen glances my way every now and again as he dances around the kitchen. I cannot help the smile that has taken over my face. I have no control anymore. 

“You look very amazed, Aurora. Have you never seen a man cook before?”  

“Yes, but that didn’t end well.”  

“Let me guess all the food was burnt?”  

“Yes.” We both laugh. Jaxen walks over, plate in hand. The food smells amazing. I just know I am going to love it. 

“Here we are, enjoy.”  

“Thank you.” Jaxen sits with his plate digging straight into the golden pancakes. Placing a small piece in my mouth flavours bounce around my tongue. I have never had something so sweet and fluffy before. 

Aurora changing their destiny Where stories live. Discover now