Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Yesterday was hell, being late to work and all that with Everest’s family. I was too tired to talk to Everest last night. So, I have not had the chance to tell him about my trip yet. The meeting with Mr. Silver should be done soon. We have been here for over two hours. Something about him has me staring. I need to focus, but I cannot take my eyes off him. My head is a mess with home life and now this handsome stranger has some strange thoughts crossing my mind as well. How are we going to work together? How am I going to work this case at all? I’m not sure i have the strength to work and deal with Everst the wedding, his family and training the packs! This is far too much for one person to tackle!

“Ms Faizan, I understand you have been fighting for a long time to clear your client and get him out of prison and I will do my best to assist and help you during the court case. I have everything booked for next week's interviews that you requested,and I have now got all the files you asked for at my office back in New york. I am looking forward to working with you.”

He is talking to me. Mr. Silver is looking straight at me. His face is calm, with a small smile on his lips. I was not even listening. What was he talking about? 

“Sorry, yes, sir.” Mr. Silver smiles and Ms Rayne looks pissed. 

“Aurora, can I have a word in my office, please?” Ms Rayne excuses herself for a moment, walking to her office. I am going to lose my job if I am not careful, I need to become organised. Standing from the chair making my way to Ms Rayne’s office. Bumping straight into Aliya. I have not had a chance to apologise to her for taking her place on this business trip. I can feel Mr. Silver's eyes on my back as he watches from the conference door. 

“Well, look who it is, the bitch who stole my job. How is it going in there?” 

“Aliya, please do not be like that. You know I am being forced into this. I would never purposely steal a job from anyone. Not great. She wants me in her office now, so I need to go.” 

“I know she forced it on you, but this was my chance to prove myself. Do not worry about it, ok, oh and, Mr. Silver has not taken his eyes off you since you left the room.” Aliya winks at me as she struts off down the hall. I can feel the warmth from his eyes burning into my back! Walking to Ms Rayne’s office without looking back, reaching the door, a voice calls my name Everest? 

“Aurora, we need to talk.” 

“Not now. I am busy.” 

“I know and you’re stressed I will wait in your office.” 

“Everest, I said not now!!” Walking into the office, Karen stands arms crossed over her chest. If looks could kill.

“How dare you embarrass me like that in front of one of the best lawyers in the trade!? I told him working with you would be easy. Get your shit together Aurora, any more slip ups and you are out!” I have had enough of  Karen going off at me. I have worked too hard to let her intimidate me now when it is time to show everyone what i can do! I am sick of people controlling every part of my life. 

“Listen to me Karen, I have worked myself into the ground for the past two years. I have shown you and everyone else at this company what I can do. You are giving me a tough time because I was late once. I will not have you breathing down my neck the entire time I am working with Mr Silver. You need to get off my back. My fiancé is in my office. I have not had the chance to tell him you are sending me to New York yet and you are treating me like this! If you want me to give it my all. You need to let me do it my way.” 

Karen smiles, clapping her perfectly manicured hands together. Twisting my neck, I need to calm down. I cannot trust myself after what happened yesterday. 

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