Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Stirring from a deep, dreamless sleep, my head throbbing. Oh god, what happened last night? Peeping through one eye, Everest is sitting in a chair next to the bed. What is he doing here? He told me he was not allowed to the cabin until we are married. Throwing myself up, panickin!

"Did we get married!?" I shout! Everest jumps up from the chair. Looking at me with a frown.

"Aurora! Do not do that." Everest holds his chest, taking a deep breath. I think I might have scared him. He sits back down in the chair, rubbing his face. He looks tired.

"No, we are not married. Can you not remember what happened last night?" Laying back on the bed thinking back to yesterday. I had a meeting at work with Ms Rayne and Mr. Silver, Jaxen. Everything comes rushing back, Aliya.

"Ok I remember, but can we leave the shouting till later please? My head is banging." Everest does not say anything. Sighing, he stands, glancing into my eyes. Dropping his head, he leaves the room in silence. Ugh, why is all this happening now? Things could have been different. I am late for work again! I am being taken off this case now.

Walking downstairs, I feel like complete shit. Everest is standing in the little kitchen, staring out of the window. He looks deep in thought as the old-fashioned kettle begins to whilst on the stove. Pulling Everest from his thoughts.

"Sit down. I will bring you some painkillers." Taking a seat at the table watching Everest move around the kitchen. Once he has found the tablets, he gets a glass of water. Placing the cup down with a little thud, he throws the tablets on the table. I get that he is angry I would be, but does he have to be so cold with me?

"I'm sorry, I didn't think." Everest cuts me off.

"No, you didn't think, and that is the fucking problem, Aurora!" His shouts echo around the small cabin, making him sound louder than he is.

"Do not shout at me, Everest, I am sorry. Let me explain."

"No, you do not need to explain. Yesterday your life was in danger by the humans, the point of you leading our people is to join us with them! Not put you, the future queen, in danger. You cannot endanger our people. I am sorry Aurora, I know you thought we could live with them, but we cannot. I am sorry to tell you, but I have no choice. This is for your safety as much as it is for the rest of our kind. You will never return to the city. You will not lead our people to them. From now on, you will do as our past queens have done. You will spend the next six months getting to know me. Then we will marry, and you will continue to lead our people the way my mother has."

Something about me is different from the rest of our kind. I do not know what it is or why, but I know I am nothing like any other wolf. All my life I have done what I want no matter the punishments to my alpha, my father. I do not listen to what I have been told and no matter how much I try to understand it, I cannot. My heart beats a different tune to theirs. I want to be with the human's Something inside of me is calling me to them. A force pulling me back. I need them like I need oxygen. As a pup, I would always find myself at the edge of the forest or at the top of my favourite mounting looking out on the city. Dreaming of a day, I would walk alongside them, be one of them. I have not disappointed my entire family, driven them to the edge to be stopped by a man I am being forced to love. I was born to change our kind, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Aurora changing their destiny Where stories live. Discover now