Chapter 13

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That night there were no faces in the sky and they knew something bad would happen. They fell asleep and Orion disdained from playing his music box. Try what he might though he was forced to play it to fall asleep. He realised he should prepare for a disaster so he filled the water bottles up and put them in the food bag. Then he fell asleep, clutching a knife in his hand. The next morning he woke up and was confused nothing had happened. There wasn't a sand storm, a giant beast, the water wasn't gone and the weather hadn't changed. Something was wrong and he knew it. But he checked the snares anyway and found some rabbits in them. He took the rabbits back to camp. Daisy was awake and offered to cook them into a stew. "Thanks." Orion yawned. "No problem, chubby." Daisy teased lightly. Daffodil drank from the water and Orion was surprised he hadn't abandoned them yet. Orion petted him for good measure. Orion knew he was prepared to kill him if they ran out of food in the arena and sponsors didn't help him. He was prepared to drink his own pee as to not waste water. He was prepared to eat poop. He was prepared to make himself throw up and eat it to not waste nutrients. He was even prepared to cannibalise. Which was something he didn't want to think about. Eventually Gannet woke up and they all ate Daisy's stew that she had finished making. "No offence but this is way better then the shit you made in the cave." Orion said to Gannet. "Oh none taken, I'm not really a cook. Especially with non-seafood." Gannet replied. Orion stood up and then suddenly felt a searing pain in his chest as he doubled over. He was leaking blood and he realised an arrow had just gone through him. Then he fell unconscious. He woke up who knows how many hours later and was still in the place where had fallen unconscious. He stood up and looked around, he saw no one at all. He started walking to the Oasis before he felt so much pain in his chest he had to stop moving. He was still leaking a lot of blood but not enough for it to be a problem. The arrow made it difficult to do anything. He decided not to take it out because it would probably cause more blood to spill out. He assumed that it was the careers because they were the only ones with bows. He was shocked his friends had just left him, but then he realised they must of thought he was dead. The careers must of thought that to and left him alone. The arrow had very close to his heart so at a glance it looked like it shot straight through it. He sat down slowly. He knew if he was to follow his friends tracks he would have to be fast or the desert wind would blow them away. He gingerly pulled out the arrow. It was painful but he couldn't bare it being in him any longer. He finally yanked it out and quickly rapped some leaves around it as a bandage from nearby bush by the water. He looked up at the sky and realised it was nighttime. The Panem anthem played and he saw the girl from 8 and the boy from 11. Then it faded away. Orion wondered who killed them and how they died. 11 now remained, he was almost in the final 10 and Gannet probably was to. He walked to the Oasis and washed himself before falling asleep. He was so worried about his friends, they might of been killed by the careers! Then there'd be 8 remaining. But if only one of them died 9 would remain. Orion decided to stop thinking about it. He was exhausted even though he might of been unconscious for days. He wasn't thirsty because he had drunken earlier but he was really hungry. He felt like he could eat anything, even the sand beneath him. He fell asleep hungry with no food at all presumably on the brink of starvation. It was then a tiny white box fell right next to him. He opened the box and found inside  some rice, curry on top of it and some naan bread. He dipped the bread in the curry and ate it. "Thank you!" He yelled at the audience, falling on his back and eating more. He decided to only eat a quarter of the meal each day. He closed the lid and fell asleep.

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