Chapter 14

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Enoch got up the next morning feeling terrible and very hungry. He ate the last of the now cold curry and pitta bread and stood up slowly. He checked his wound and it hadn't gotten infected which was all he could hope for. He took of his leaf bandages and then washed himself in the Oasis. Now would of been a good time to use that first aid kit. He checked his snares and found nothing. He then realised he was getting hotter. And not with the gradual heat of the morning becoming noon, this was happening way too fast. He then saw the last of the Oasis dry up. His lips quickly cracked and he started sweating from the intense heat. He fell to his knees. He went into the shade of a tree and realised this would make survival much harder, especially without help. He knew there wasn't much point in staying here anymore. He grabbed a lot of leaves and wrapped some around his wound. Then he made a very sorry excuse for a hat. But it was wide and would stop him from getting sun burnt or anything terrible like that. He started walking in a random direction not knowing if it was the right one. As the day progressed he heard 2 cannon shots in the distance, probably from dehydration. He continued to walk with his odd little hat, completely defenceless without his knives which had been taken by the careers or his friends. It was hot and he was so dehydrated he felt like giving up like those other tributes and just lying there until he died of hunger and dehydration. He couldn't survive more then a day without water in this heat and so he forced himself to continue onwards until one more cannon shot fired. "HELLO TRIBUTES!" Claudius temple smith boomed. "I KNOW MANY OF YOU ARE THIRSTY, HUNGRY AND MUCH MORE!" Claudius continued as his voice echoed across the arena. "Waiting at the cornucopia is a feast! Containing food, water and other supplies which you need inside some nice packs! So come to the cornucopia and get it!" Claudius said before his voice disappeared from the arena. How would Orion find it? He knew Gannet would figure out a way easily. And then it hit him! The cornucopia was gold so it would be shining pretty bright in this sun, so all he had to do is find a big enough sand dune and look around. He saw a giant dune a few hundreds metres away. He eventually reached it, then climbed it and finally look around. He spun on the spot and saw nothing. Then he was blinded by a flash. He looked in the direction and knew it was the cornucopia. He started to walk towards it, filled with a new determination for survival. He continued in roughly the same direction until night fall. He ignored the sky and continued towards his destination before eventually collapsing with exhaustion. The next day he continued his march. Hours later he climbed one last sand dune and saw the feast was un touched. He could sense people. He didn't know how but he knew there were other hiding around behind dunes so he hid behind his before anyone would see him. He was much weaker and wouldn't survive a fight with others. He knew what he had to do. 3...2...1...GO! He ran out sprinting as he heard rustling of sand and the sound of tributes scrambling to start running as well. He managed to pick up backpack with an O on it. He saw another one with an O and he knew it must of been Orchid's. He wanted to take more but he was to weak to outrun anyone with that heavy of a load. So he ran off with the 2 packs and saw and arrow whistle right past his head. He looked behind him as he ran and saw Ruby, the boy from 1, with tear stains and blood all over him. He didn't see Sapphire so he assumed she must of been dead. How many people were left now? 7 people... wow he was surprised he made it so far. He saw Daisy and Gannet running at their packs. They tossed a satchel in his direction. He opened it and knew his knives were in there. He threw one at a girl charging at him with an axe. He realised who it was too late though. Orchid loosend her grip on the battle axe as she falls to the ground and blood spurts from her forehead. It was too late to save her. He didn't know how to feel, she was a bully, she was an enemy, but they knew eachother, they were from the same district and she had opened up to him. He continued running until he got behind a dune, using it as cover from any attacks. He opened his pack and inside it was the food and water but also a proper Band-Aid with some type of cream on it. He rolled it back up into the bag and checked the other one. It had the food and water but also heat vision goggles. He got his things and ran towards where Gannet and Daisy were going. He saw the boy from 9 and threw a knife into his head causing a cannon to fire. They ran all day not even talking to eachother as they knew people would be after them and their resources. 

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