Chapter 8

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 The next day found Duke, atop his horse, herding the cows through the gate and into a sprawling pasture of lush grass. As the cattle moved in a mesmerizing flow of brown, black, and white hides, Duke couldn't help but marvel at the sight, reminiscent of an hourglass filled with living sand.

His thoughts, however, drifted to the recent peculiar events, especially his encounter with Anna, a woman who defied his expectations. Speaking aloud to his dog, Rhubarb – a habit born from solitude – Duke mused, "It's a strange world, isn't it, Rhubarb? Having Anna around... she's not like anyone I've known. Tough, uninterested in frills, and can hold her own. She's intriguing, sure, but I doubt she'll stick around. She's on a mission for her brother. Best not get too attached."

With the cattle secure and Rhubarb rounding up the stragglers, Duke closed the gate, his heart content with the day's work. The life on the ranch, with the wind caressing his cheeks and the scent of fresh air and cattle, filled him with a deep sense of gratitude. This was enough for him.

Returning to the ranch as the sun dipped low, Duke anticipated a relaxing evening. He was in the midst of preparing dinner for Rhubarb when a knock at the door interrupted him. Mr. Weebly, panting and flushed, stood outside.

"Duke, sorry to bother you, but we've got missing cattle on the other side. I'm wondering if Belle or her new hand, Anna, might know something."

"Belle? And Anna? No, they wouldn't be involved. But I'll talk to them, check their fields," Duke reassured him.

After a quick dinner, Duke and Rhubarb set off again, riding towards Belle's farm as the sunset cast a fiery glow on the mountains. Darkening clouds hinted at impending weather, urging Duke to hasten his task.

Arriving at Belle's, Duke hurriedly dismounted and approached the barn, calling out, "Anna? Are you there?"

Anna appeared, looking unexpectedly radiant in the soft evening light. Her hair damp and wearing a simple blue dress, she struck Duke as entirely different from the rugged ranch hand he had come to know. The sight of her, so distinctly feminine, caught him off guard, creating an intriguing mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

"Duke, what brings you here at this hour?" she asked, her figure illuminated by the warm glow of a nearby kerosene lamp.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Anna, but we have a situation. Some cattle are missing, and I need to know if..." Duke trailed off, momentarily lost in the unexpected softness of the scene before him, realizing there was more to Anna than he had initially perceived.

"What! Of course, it wasn't me! I mean, we can ride around the property and check if you like. Maybe I'm still learning and did something wrong or didn't notice. Maybe they're getting the wrong place. Who knows with me?" Duke laughed. "Ah, shucks."

They rode out and came upon the fence, only to find it broken again. This time the gap faced out onto the open plains. They rode to the furthest edge of the pasture.

Duke dismounted and patted Star on the neck, grateful for her hard work today, before going close to the fence to inspect it. The wires were snapped, cords strewn about between fence posts. "Look, these snapped lines were cut by tools."

"Duke, look!" Anna, still on her horse, was peering over the horizon. He followed her gaze and spotted distant movement. His heart sank. It couldn't be... not now. "Cattle rustlers."

Anna nodded, a worried expression on her face. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

Adrenaline rushed through him as Duke hopped back on his horse. "Rhubarb, stay," he commanded his dog, whose ears lowered as he let out a long whimper.

"What are we going to do?" Anna yelped. "We can't just charge at them! We don't even have—"

Duke pulled his rifle from its scabbard by the saddle. "I do have a gun. I don't want to use it, but I've got to try something. Stay back with Rhubarb."

"I'll stay behind you, but I'm coming!" Anna had a determined look on her face.

This was one stubborn woman. He didn't know how to keep her safe if things got rough. "Fine, but be careful and hang back, FAR BACK."

They rushed over the hill, galloping toward the sight. Duke kept his rifle ready. The wind picked up, and he struggled to keep his low-brimmed hat from flying off. It was already nearly dark. The rustlers had chosen the perfect time to strike – evening, when the ranch hands were tired and getting ready to turn in for the night, and on a night with a brewing thunderstorm, no less. No one would be out, and it would be hard, if not dangerous, to follow them, especially through open pasture. These thoughts raced through Duke's mind as his horse charged towards the outlaws, along with concerns about keeping Anna safe.

But the storm was picking up too strongly, with fierce winds and thunder. They could see the outline of the cows on the horizon, but it was too dangerous to continue. It was unclear how many men, and what kind of gang, they were up against. He saw lightning flash over the horizon but couldn't make out the figures on horseback.

"We have to turn back!" Thunder roared in the distance, drowning out his voice. They rode back over the hills toward the town, the darkness making it perilous. Thunder rolled, and lightning illuminated their surroundings in startling bursts.

"What now?" asked Anna, her voice determined and fierce, as their horses clopped through the gates of the Weebly ranch.

Duke removed his hat and stroked the sweat from his hair. "We need to tell the bosses. And get a good night's sleep if we can. We should do a stakeout another evening, camping in the hills, and watch the area for any funny business. We can watch the herd and try to scare off anyone who attempts to come near. Let's wait for a clear day after the storm. I'll see you home, let me just grab my lantern."

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