Larry the King

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The koopalings were all in Bowser's castle, Bowser was sitting on his throne,

The koopalings walked in the throne room, "Hey, Pops we be wondering.. uhhh, any new plan?" Roy asked, " No Roy, i don't have a plan, and i'm very sad" Bowser said, "Why?" Larry asked, "Because... i want the princess" Bowser said, "Well, we gotta have a plan!" Ludwig said, "Yeah, but i'm so... sad" Bowser said, "Uh, Dad... I have one question, how old are you?" Larry said, "I don't know, maybe in my mid 50's or something" Bowser said, "Mid 50's!" Iggy said, "Damn, we gotta get a new king" Morton said, "Wait!, Yeah Morton's right!, You need a new king" Bowser said, "Well, who is it?" Larry said, " I want someone... Attractive... Someone that is kind but sometimes can treat slaves like shit when he wants to... someone that knows how to be a king!" Bowser said, "Me!" Larry shouted, "You?" Bowser said, "No way, Larry's gonna be the new king!" Morton said, "Okay, Let's vote, Who wants Larry not to be the king?" Bowser asked, Everyone raised their hand, "Well, i'm sorry Larry, but no one wants you to be the king" Bowser said, "Why?" Larry asked, "It's because your stupid, irresponsible and careless" Roy said, "Have you seen yourself?, You sit on your fat ass all day, Eating chips and skittles while playing fortnite!" Larry said, "Ay man!, You better watch your mouth cause i'm gonna beat you up!" Roy said, "Roy!, don't hit Larry, Okay... Larry, if you are able to roast everyone with a bad thing they do... i might make you king" Bowser said "Oh easy!, Iggy, He drinks alcohol while he is only 15, Morton, he scratches his ass and sleeps all day!, Ludwig, he won't even have time to be king because he always is busy with his stupid science experiments!, Lemmy, He wouldn't have time because he is Ludwig's assistant!, Wendy, She's female, and i'm already done with Roy!" Larry said, "Okay, You know what, that is all true!, So Larry, You are the new king!" Bowser said.


Larry woke up happy, He went to his dad, "Okay Larry, today is the day you are being king!" Bowser said, "Yeah!, Let's go!" Larry said, "Now, being king is a hard job, first you gotta blow on this air horn to wake up everybody" Bowser said, "Easy!" Larry said, As he blew the horn as hard as he can until he was out of breathe!, Everybody woke up and ran up to the throne room screaming and shouting!,

"Ay, What was that?" Roy asked, "It was the morning call dummy!" Larry said, "Okay, everyone, Larry is king so you won't be able to do anything to him, all guards will guard him so you just do whatever you want just don't do anything to Larry" Bowser said, "Well, what are you gonna do?" Roy asked, "Oh me?, I'm gonna lay my ass in Hawaii" Bowser said as he left,

"So, my... people, Let's agree on something, i am king and you will do whatever you want just don't hit me or annoy me, because if you do, i will throw your ass in the dungeon" Larry said, "Uh, Larry... can i borrow some money?" Iggy asked, "Why?" Larry said, "I want a PS2" Iggy said, "Well... Let's go and buy a PS2!" Larry said excitedly!, 

They went to buy a PS2, 

They came back 2 hours later,

Larry was sitting on his throne playing the PS2 with Iggy, "Damn, you are really good at FC 24!" Iggy said, "Yeah, i know, and here's another goal!" Larry said, "Oh!, defense where were you?!" Iggy said, " I know where, sent to the shops by me!" Larry said, "Yeah, well.. Larry, do you like being king?" Iggy asked, "Yeah, it's fun, i can't wait to get those Mario bros!" Larry said,


Larry and Iggy woke up, "Man today is a special day" Iggy said, "Why?, is it your birthday?" Larry asked, "No, even better!" Iggy said, "Better than a birthday?, Okay, What is it?" Larry asked, " On this day in 1870, Italian troops occupied Rome, leading to the eventual incorporation of Rome into the Kingdom of Italy and the limiting of papal governing authority to the Vatican itself and a small district around it" Iggy said, "How is that a good thing and how do you even know something that happened in 1870?" Larry asked, "History knowledge!" Iggy said, "Okay fine, Let's play some games!" Larry said, 

2 Hours later,

"How do you keep winning every game?" Iggy asked, "It's either because i'm very good or you are using the worst character in the game!" Larry said, "Well, i like this =!" Iggy said, "Well, i'm bored... I'm gonna go get a beer" Larry said, "But you're underage" Iggy said, "I don't care!, I'm the king!" Larry said, "Okay..." Iggy said as his phone started to ring, "Oh it's Luigi" Iggy said, 

He answered the phone, "Hello?" iggy said, "Oh hi Iggy!, how are you doing my green haired buddy" Luigi asked over the phone, "I'm doing fine... wait.. are you in a hospital?" Iggy asked, "Yeah, i broke my foot" Luigi said over the phone, "Oh... can i come to visit?" Iggy asked, "Sure, Mario, peach and Daisy are coming" Luigi said over the phone, "Fine, i'll bring Larry with me" Iggy said as he hung up the phone, "Who was it?" Larry asked, "It was Luigi... we'll go visit him at the hospital today" Iggy said, "Why?, what happened to him?" Larry asked, "He broke his foot" Iggy answered, "Oh!" Larry said, "Oh yeah, and Mario Peach and that prostitute Daisy are coming" Iggy said, "Prostitute?" Larry said, "Oh i keep confusing her and... Uh, Emma" Iggy said, "Who's Emma?" Larry asked, "Never mind" Iggy said, "So...Do we go now?" Larry asked, " yeah now" Iggy said,

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