Mario's problem

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While Luigi was out, Mario was watching TV, he was switching channels, until he found a movie about a couple getting a baby, Mario looked at the baby and thought, what if he could have one of his own, he realized he is married to princess peach and decided to discuss this with her,

He walked to his wife's room, He knocked on the door, Peach said come in, Mario came in and wanted to tell her something,

"Uh, Peach, there is something i want to talk to you about" Mario said, "What is it Mario?" Peach asked, "Well, we are married... so, a mistake we are making is that we aren't sleeping together, and i thought if we could maybe have a baby of our own" Mario said, "Oh, you want a baby?, well i started to think about it too, but... i feel like it's a hard thing to take care of a child" Peach said, "Don't worry, i will always be here for you, i will never run away, i swear it" Mario said, "Well, i don't know" Peach said, "Listen, i promise" Mario said, "Okay" Peach said with a smile,

After an Hour, Luigi came back,

Mario was on his bed, "Hello, Mario" Luigi said, "(sighs), Hi Luigi" Mario said, "What's wrong?" Luigi asked, "Nothing, i'm just tired" Mario answered, "Okay" Luigi said, "Luigi, there might be a surprise coming" Mario said, "What is it?" Luigi asked, "Just wait" Mario said,

a few days later,

Mario was in the living room, Peach came and sat next to him, "How are you doing?" Mario asked, "great" Peach said, "Did you take the test?" Mario asked, "No, i will take it later" Peach said, "Great" Mario said with a smile, 

a few hours later,

Mario was waiting for a result from his wife peach, Peach came in and wanted to talk to him, she wasn't happy, "Hey, Peach how are you doing?" Mario said happily, "Mario, the result isn't good" Peach said, "what?, you're not pregnant?" Mario asked, "No" Peach answered, "Well, we can try again" Mario said, "Okay" Peach said,

They tried again, but the result was not pregnant, they tried one last time but sadly, Peach wasn't pregnant,

The two talked about this, Peach suggested to Mario to visit a fertility doctor, Mario agreed because he wants a kid,

Luigi listened to their conversation, before they were done, he barged into the room, "So you two were mating?" Luigi asked, "Listen Luigi, i wanted a child" Mario explained, "You want a child?, so while i'm out with Daisy or with my friends, you two are doing some nasty on the bed" Luigi said, "It's normal" Mario said, "Well, i heard that you will go to the fertility doctor, can i go with you?" Luigi said, "Sure" Mario said, 

They both went to the fertility doctor, 

"Good afternoon Mario" The doctor said, "Hello" Mario said, "who is this?" Asked the doctor, "this is my brother" Mario answered, "Yeah, i'm thinking of having a baby with my wife so i want to check if my sperm cells are good" Luigi said, "he is lying, he has a girlfriend and he is not doing anything to her" Mario said, 

"Okay, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked, "Well, i was trying to get my wife pregnant, but she didn't get pregnant and we tried 3 times" Mario explained, "Well, you probably have Azoospermia" Said the doctor, "what?" Mario said, "It is a disease where there's an absence of sperm in the semen" Said the doctor, "Oh, is it bad?" Asked Mario, "well, if you are the type that wants children, then it is" The doctor answered, 

"Well, i do want a child, what do you think is the reason for this?" Mario asked, "Do you have testicular cancer?" asked the doctor, "No" Mario said, "I have ball cancer" Luigi said, "You do?" Mario asked, "uh, no i don't, i just wanted to make the situation funny" Luigi said, "Luigi, don't joke about these things" Mario said, "Okay, but i do have this weird black spot on the bottom of my foot, i don't know what is" Luigi said, "Well i don't either because i'm not a skin doctor" The doctor said, "Well, i want to know if there is a cure to this" Mario said, "Well, we have to know why you have this" The doctor said, "How do we do that?" Mario asked, "Well, take this cup and do it here" Said the doctor, "Oh, is there a bathroom?" Mario asked, "Yeah, over there" The doctor said and pointed to the door near the corner of the room,

"Well, i do want a child, what do you think is the reason for this?" Mario asked, "Do you have testicular cancer?" asked the doctor, "No" Mario said, "I have ball cancer" Luigi said, "You do?" Mario asked, "uh, no i don't, i just wanted to make th...

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When Mario came back, he put the cup on the doctors table, "Well, i'm going to test this" said the doctor, "Well, how is it?" asked Mario, "...Do you drink alcohol?"Asked the doctor, "sometimes" Mario answered, "Do you smoke?" Asked the doctor, "Well, i do smoke when i'm stressed" Mario answered, "How often are you stressed?" The doctor asked, "Maybe, like when Luigi does something stupid and it either hurts him or my bank account, so... maybe like 3 times a week" Mario answered, "Okay... do you do drugs?" Asked the doctor, "Oh he does drugs every day, cocaine in his hands all day!, Heroin in the night, and more cocaine!" Luigi said, "So, not only do you have a dangerous amount of drugs everyday, you own illegal drugs?" Said the doctor, 

"No!, Luigi is just joking, I barely have any drugs, and if i do, it's a medicine drug" Mario said, "Okay, that's good" The doctor said, "So what do i have?" Mario asked, "Well, it's not a disease, it's just lifestyle factors" Said the doctor, "Is there a cure?" Mario asked, "Yeah, just reduce the alcohol and reduce smoking and if possible, quit drinking and smoking" Said the doctor, "Okay, thanks doctor" Mario said, 

They walked out the door and talked, 

"Mario, i have ball cancer" Luigi said, "you do not!" Mario said, "Mario, i had some fun time with Daisy a few months ago, and after the banging i got, i'm sure i have ball cancer" Luigi said, "Luigi, cut the shit!" Mario said, 

They got back home,

They saw peach in the living room,

"Hello peach!" Luigi said, "Hi Luigi" Peach said, "Okay, i went to the doctor, he said it's lifestyle factors, so i have to stop drinking and smoking" Mario said, "You smoke?" Peach asked, "Sometimes" Mario answered, "So, are you two going to try again?" Luigi asked, "Luigi, i have to improve my lifestyle, then i will try" Mario said, 

Mario started his new way of living, he would wake up everyday to have his breakfast, he would try to find the healthiest things, he would have some light healthy snacks in between like apples and orange juice, whenever he is invited to a party where there is alcohol, he would not drink any and if one of the other guests would offer him one, he would refuse or say that he doesn't drink alcohol anymore, whenever her feels like smoking, he doesn't, he throws away all his cigarettes, He would eat good and healthy things, When Mario and Peach tried to get a baby, the test said that Peach was pregnant!

Mario was very happy,

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