The Backstory

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" I was just in the park with Daisy, until Larry came to talk to me" Luigi said,


Luigi was sitting on a bench in the park, He was with Daisy, Until Larry came and wanted to talk to him,

"Luigi!, I gotta talk to you about something very important!" Larry said, "What is it?" Luigi asked, "It's something about Mario" Larry said, "About Mario?" Luigi said, "Yeah!" Larry said, "Well, what about him?" Luigi asked, "Dad is trying to kill him" Larry said, 

"What?, what are you talking about?" Luigi asked, "It's true, i swear!" Larry said, "Okay, let's pretend it's true-" Luigi said until he got interrupted by Larry who said " It's true!" He shouted,

"Let me finish my sentence, Okay, so let's pretend it's true, then why would you come and tell me?" Luigi asked, "The thing is... that... Uhhh... i thought that... if Mario died then... we wouldn't have a purpose in this life" Larry said, "So your life purpose is hurting my brother" Luigi said, "Well, no not really, i just wanted to do something in my life, and that is to try to steal the princess but Mario would beat the ever loving shit out of me and dad and my brothers, but i don't want Mario to die, i just want something to do in this goddamn life!" Larry explained, 

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Luigi asked, "Okay, you have got to be the dumbest person, you gotta go save him you dumb-ass!" Larry said, "Okay, Daisy, i'll grab a car and i'll kick some turtle ass!" Luigi said, "Dad isn't a turtle, he is a mix of a dinosaur and a turtle" Larry corrected Luigi, "Do i care?" Luigi asked while looking at Larry,

As Luigi went to grab his car, He went in his car and started to drive but then stopped because he didn't know the way, So he rolled down his window and called Larry, "Larry!, Get your ass in my car, i don't know the way!" Luigi shouted,

"So, see, i think you go to the right..-or no!, Left, or i don't know, is it right or left, maybe it's just straight" Larry said, "Do you know the way, or not!?" Luigi asked madly, "I know it but i'm not sure" Larry said, "How?, you either know it or not!" Luigi said, 

"Listen i'm trying to figure it out!" Larry shouted, "Don't shout!, my girlfriend is in this car!" Luigi said, "So?, i told you that your brother is going to die, you have to thank me!" Larry said, 

"Fine, thank you!" Luigi said, "Okay... i think you go to the right, then to the left then you continue straight for like 3 hours" Larry said, "3 Hours!, How far is your dad's castle!?" Luigi asked, "Oh it's a whole different country, wait, i'll ask a guy to give me a map" Larry said, "Well i will roll the window down and you ask a guy" Luigi said,

Luigi stopped next to a guy and rolled Larry's window down, "Hey, Excuse me, i want a map of the world" Larry said, "Sure, here" the guy said as he gave Larry a map, 

"Okay... damn... i..." Larry said, "What!, tell me the way!" Luigi said, "It's hard to tell the way from a world map" Larry said, " Well, then i will guess the way!" Luigi said, 

As they finally reached Bowser's castle,

"See, it wasn't that hard" Larry said, "Get the hell out of my car!" Luigi said madly, "Why?" Larry asked, "Get out!" Luigi shouted, As Larry walked out of the car,

"So, i will go in there, get Mario and come out" Luigi said, "What!, By yourself?" Daisy asked, "Yeah, Why?" Luigi said, "Maybe i can come with you" Daisy suggested, "What?, what can you do?" Luigi asked, "I can help you" Daisy answered, "Stay here!" Luigi said,

He walked around the castle, He couldn't find a clear entrance,

Until he found a glass window hidden in the rocks, He looked through it, he saw Bowser beating up Mario, He didn't believe what he saw, Before he could think of something, he decided to smash the window, He couldn't find a rock or brick so he just started to smash the window with his fists!,

Until he found a glass window hidden in the rocks, He looked through it, he saw Bowser beating up Mario, He didn't believe what he saw, Before he could think of something, he decided to smash the window, He couldn't find a rock or brick so he just...

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So Luigi jumped in and started to beat up Bowser,

"And that is how i knew" Luigi said, "Damn, what a hell of a story, Luigi, Thanks" Mario said, "Your welcome, Mario" Luigi said,

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