Chapter 4: Facing reality

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"He'll come back, George. I can tell you're worried about him. He's a big boy, he can look after himself."

Sapnap was still eating his breakfast, barely being bothered by the argument that had just happened. They always bickered like this, and they would always bounce back to normal.

But for George, this felt like more than just bickering. It felt like the worst thing he could have said to Dream, and he didn't even mean any of it. Sure, he felt like he was just protecting himself and his feelings. He's still pretty hormonal after all, but now he's sat and thought about his words and realised how awful he was to him.

"Sap... I was a dick. Why would I say something so impulsive and rude? I love you both so much, and I know you wouldn't hurt me. But my instant reaction to feeling controlled is to panic."

Sapnap placed his food onto the bed, looking at George and understanding every word he said. He felt the panic within him, his originally assigned gender peeking through and knowing all too well the pain of feeling like every alpha wants to just mark.

"It's gonna be fine... Just, trust me."

Sapnap stood from the bed, leaning over to George, and gently placing a kiss onto the top of his head. "Be back in a second, I have to pee."

Sapnap walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and leaving George's mind to fester with negative thoughts.

He glanced over to the bedside table and saw that Dream had left his phone.

Why would he leave his phone behind?

George stood up and grabbed it, impulsively putting on his shoes and leaving the hotel room to go and find his friend. He was begrudgingly wanting to apologise for his behaviour - an excuse to go and find him.

He ran down the hall, and made his way down to the lobby, half expecting him to be sitting at the unopened bar and contemplating his life. But he wasn't there, and he wasn't outside either. Where could he have possibly gone without his phone? He thought to himself, trying not to allow the irrational panic take over.

George walked to the end of the street, and then continued to another, and then another. But Dream was nowhere to be seen, and with no way to contact him. He started to walk back towards the hotel, when he heard whistling behind him. He quickly turned around, expecting it to be Dream. However when he saw three strangers staring at him, something turned in his stomach that made him feel sick. One was very clearly an alpha; tall, muscly and an arrogant smirk plastered over his face.

"Now, what would a beautiful, lonely omega be doing out at the crack of dawn? Are you lost?" If the man didn't have such a snarky tone, George would have responded with attitude, however it was clear that the man had bad intentions, and he wasn't willing to stick around and find out why.

George picked up his pace, quickly trying to remember the road back to the hotel, but it was barely light outside, and he had no idea where he was going. The men seemed to quicken their own pace at the change in his demeanour, now following George down each street he diverted to, whilst he tried his best to lose them. He had trailed so far from where he needed to be, that he felt like he had been walking and dodging them for miles. After losing the men whilst turning down an unexpected alleyway, George had managed to find himself a hiding place, hoping that they would eventually give up and move on.

Dream was wandering the streets for what felt like hours, not remembering any houses that he had previously walked past, or recognising any 'landmarks'. He was starting to feel a bit helpless, pointlessly walking down streets and having no idea where it would take him, until a voice that he did recognise turned him around. "Clay! Dude I've lost George. Please tell me he found you?" Dreams' eyes widened, instantly panicking and frantically looking around to see if George was around.

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