Chapter 5: Homeward bound

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On the way to the interview, George could feel his nerves starting to pick up. Thankfully, Sapnap had managed to find some scent blockers in the lobby downstairs, and George didn't hesitate to put them on. The last thing that George needed was for the Immigration unit to think he was nervous for all the wrong reasons. Not that he had anything to hide from them, but he couldn't risk being sent back to England. Not now, not ever. At least wearing scent blockers, he could hide any emotions that he was feeling, given that he could hide his facial expressions along with that.

He felt so unprepared, with the events that had previously happened throughout the week all taking over his mind. But he desperately urged his mind and his inner to settle, just until the meeting was over. Once that was over, he could panic and cry as much as wanted. But putting on a brave face was what George did best.

He did the same thing when he first moved to Florida too, pretending that he didn't miss England, that he didn't miss his family, and that he was happy. Because he was happy. So extremely happy to finally be in America with his best friends, living with them and spending every breathing moment with them. Because that was the plan, right? But deep inside, everything was abnormal. A new country, a new house, living and spending everyday with a man that he had only heard the voice of everyday for seven years. But it genuinely was the happiest he had felt in a long time.

Living in England took a toll on his mental health, not wanting to stream, not wanting to talk to his friends, avoiding leaving the house and allowing himself to get into such a mess that it made matters much worse for him. That isn't a problem for him anymore. Being able to wake up in the house with two other people, knowing that he would have the opportunity to socialise everyday, without worrying about feeling lonely. And even when Sapnap or Dream went to LA, he still didn't feel lonely. Not really, not when he knew that it wasn't forever, and it was just a temporary feeling.

The office George needed to be at was only a twenty minute uber ride, meaning that he didn't have too much time to be nervous about the whole thing. However, stepping out of the car was when he knew putting on scent blockers was the right thing to do. Although they were uncomfortable, it was only for an hour. A measly sixty minutes out of twenty four hours. It would be over before it even started!

George quickly approached the building, pressing the buzzer that wrote:


A woman's voice spoke from the intercom, asking who was at the door.

"Um, George. George Davidson."

The door clicked open, and George followed the signs all the way up to the second floor. The suspense of approaching the door to the office had him slightly trembling, really wishing he could turn around and fly straight back to Florida. He also knew he needed this to be over with as soon as possible.

A friendly looking beta sat at the main reception, typing at his computer and looking busy.

"You must be George? Do you have your passport with you today?" The man spoke, glancing away from his screen for a few moments.

"Uh- Yes. Here" He fumbled, trying not to make it obvious he was remotely nervous.

"You keep hold of that, they will ask to see it when you're called in. Just take a seat around this corner and wait for my colleague Lauana to call you in." The man smiled, pointing in the direction George was supposed to be going.

The wait felt like hours, regardless of the fact it had only been five minutes. Every second he spent waiting, the more clammy his hands felt, casually rubbing them down his dress pants and hoping they wouldn't reach out for a handshake.

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