Something's going on

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Cat poured herself a glass of water and teetered out into the garden. She breathed in the cool Autumn air and sipped at her glass, trying to sober up. Over the raucous laughter from the kitchen, she heard a rustle behind her and smiled. Arthur wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back into his embrace. Another piece of tinfoil fell off him and landed at their feet. He kissed her neck and she caught a whiff of alcohol.

"What on earth have you been drinking?"

He mumbled into her shoulder. "Wizard piss."


"That's what we've been telling the kids. It's a gift from Noah." He raised his arm to show her the glass he was holding. She took it from his grasp and sipped a little, leaving a trace of lipstick on the rim.



"Careful with that one, I don't want to have to peel you off the floor tomorrow."

"I'm being responsible."

"Good, because I have a full day planned for you."

He gently caressed her breast through the sequined catsuit.

"Does this outfit feature in tomorrow's plans?"

She giggled and grabbed his hand.

"I can arrange it if you want? It's your birthday after all. Just behave until then."

"How can I help it if my wife is so sexy?"

She turned her head and kissed him, whispering, "good things come to those who wait."

There was a sound at the bottom of the garden and both of them jumped. Ben and Alex emerged into the pool of light followed by Saoirse. Cat heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh it's just you! You gave me a fright!"

"Sorry..." Alex looked from Cat to Arthur registering their flushed faces. She gave her sister a look which plainly read - did I interrupt something?

Cat recovered quickly and feigning innocence said, "I just came outside to clear my head, where did you two go?"

"Just down to the clearing," answered Ben calmly.

"On your own?" Arthur frowned.

"With Saoirse, she'd have let me know if there was anyone lurking in the woods. We were quite safe."

Ahh yes, Ben. It would be good for those two to be friends.

Cat had met Ben a few times but she had never let slip how much Arthur told her about his past. He was a marvel, given the life he had endured. Every time she met him he looked healthier and more confident. She couldn't imagine how someone so serene could once have been so damaged. He had worked for years to manage PTSD and the subsequent drug addiction. Maybe Alex could learn something from him? Maybe it would be good just to have someone to talk to who understood what was happening to her?

She observed as Arthur chatted merrily to Ben about a hiking trip, while Alex remained silent and unobtrusive. She had not been the same since she learned she was an omega. Alex was always kind and thoughtful but she used to laugh more. Though she was quite shy, it now seemed to Cat that she had almost lost the ability to make small talk with strangers: since Rob left the sanitorium, she felt that Alex was even more withdrawn and her anxiety was so much worse, to the point where she was physically sick. She underestimated the positive influence Rob made on Alex. These days, it was as though she was floating through life, as passive as a ghost. Although Alex might disagree, she needed people. With a pang of guilt she thought - What if she's been like that all along and we just didn't notice because she's hidden away in a sanitorium!

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