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sooyeon is currently dragging me by my backpack strap to a senior classroom.

"hanbin!!" she yelled.

oh my goodness, when will she shut her mouth

the tall boy went out their classroom & looked down lovingly at his sister. "yeah, yeon?"

are they really step siblings or lovers..???

"can you take us to the movie theater?" she asked.

hanbin looked at me, then back at sooyeon. "this guy again?" he asked, as if i was some disgusting creature.

"yep! we're gonna watch a movie!" she smiled & linked our arms together.

"ew, get away from me-" i wriggled my arm to get out from hers.

"who are you to 'ew' me?" she slapped my arm, making me wince in pain.

"but come on, bro! let's go!" she tugged hanbin's arm.

he was looking unsure first but seeing his sister's desperation, he gave in.

he went back in his classroom to get his bag and then led us to the school's parking lot.

"get in." he opened the door for sooyeon, but she shook her head.

"i'll just sit in the back with him." she pointed at me.

the tall guy then clenched his fists but maintained a cool expression on his face. "okay." he closed the door and went in the driver's seat.

the two of us then sat at the back & it sure is comfy in here.

is this what it feels to be a rich kid

hanbin started the engine & then started driving.

surprisingly, sooyeon didn't utter a single word for the whole car ride. she was just looking out the window.

"we're here." hanbin abruptly said, stepping on the breaks.

"thanks, bin!" sooyeon thanked him and hopped out the car with me following after.

"have fun" her brother said before driving away in a blink.

"let's go!!!" she ran in the theater, leaving me outside.

i sighed, rolling my eyes & following her shortly.

she went to the front desk, giving the tickets.

"who is your boyfriend, miss?" the lady asked.

boyfriend? what boyfriend-

"him!" she pulled me closer to her.

what the fu-

"oh, great! i'll just stamp these.." the lady stamped our tickets before giving them back.

i took the chance to take a closer look at the tickets and saw that it's one of the tickets for a couple event going on here. the tickets for the couples are discounted, from what i heard.

this is exactly why matthew & zhanghao wanted to act like a gay couple to watch a movie

"thanks!" sooyeon snatched the tickets & we both walked off to the cinema number we're supposed to go to.

"hey, you never told me what movie we're watching-"

i stopped talking when we arrived in front of cinema four.

a large screen beside the door says; "special showing! the notebook"

what the actual fUCK-

"eek! i'm so excited!" she dragged me in before i could try to escape.

we both sat at the seat we're supposed to sit at & the lights dimmed.

"it's starting!" the girl beside me whispered, nudging me.

i just kept a grumpy face on as the movie started.

ugh, fuck this shit


i disgustingly looked at the crying sooyeon beside me.

"why arent you crying" she asked me.

dramatic ass.

"why would i be?"

"it was so sad" she bawled her eyes again.

i rolled my eyes at her & walked away, leaving her crying.

"hey!" she eventually caught up to me. "don't you have any feelings?" she asked.

"i don't give a damn fuck." i simply answered.

"dont you love something or someone" she wiped her tears.

"i still don't give a damn fuck." i repeated the same answer.

"how about your family" she snatched a tissue from her bag and blew her nose.

i halted from walking and so did she.

"can't you just mind your own fucking business?!" i snapped at her.

she was surprised by my sudden outburst.

i then calmed down and muttered a 'sorry' before walking away.

guilt weighed my shoulders after yelling at her, yet i don't know why.

she didn't consider what i might be feeling so maybe she deserved it?

but still, i said sorry.


guilt was still eating me.

i stared at the ceiling let out a heavy sigh.

"KIM TARAE COME OUT YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT" the same, same voice i hear every single fucking day.

with trembling hands, i opened the door and was greeted by a hard slap in the face, making me fall down.

kangjun then kneeled in front of me and pulled up my hair to look at him directly in the eye.


i shook my head.

again, he says.

his little brother is the one stealing his money yet he wouldn't believe me.

yes, i have been treated like this but i'm used to it now. i can't go anywhere else either or else i'll be homeless.

how did i get here?

my mom, they say, abandoned me when i was still a baby. she left me and my father to be with another man. my father shortly commited suicide, leaving me to his friend. he had enough with his life.

now, i'm living with my late father's friend's sons, who are literal motherfuckers.

no one ever liked nor loved me.

and when i liked this one girl, kangjun just had to steal her from me.i confessed to her first, yet she picked the jerk, only to leave herself heartbroken.

even though kangjun never apologized, i forgave him.

i then tried winning my "brothers" trusts, but they don't give a fuck about me, telling me i'm just an outsider.

and whenever their dad delivers gifts for me, they steal it, saying i don't deserve to be given a present.

all i felt was sadness & pain.

never in my life i've experienced "love".

WHAT IS LOVE [KIM TAERAE]  ✦ZEROBASEONE✦Where stories live. Discover now