Chapter :03 Three

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I love coming to school early. Everyday I  come to school very early in the morning before many people are here, and just sit outside on the benches at the school garden.

I had one airpod in one ear so I was still aware of my surroundings. I wrote the last lyrics to the song I had been writing for a week.

My hair fell over my face as I wrote and I stopped writing then tied it into a ponytail before continuing to write.

I loved mornings. I love the night more but there was something about mornings that just brought me peace. The sound of birds chirping, the feeling of the warm morning sun on my skin as the sun went up and so much more.

I began humming the song I was listening to. "Leah." I did not need to look up to know who it was. "Hi Kian." I greeted him and then looked up at him and he had two cupcakes in his hands.

Does he always have two cupcakes.

He sat down next to me and handed me one cupcake and smiled once I took it. "Do you always have two cupcakes?" I joked and he hummed.

"Now I do. I never know when I might meet you." He answered and I raised my eyebrow confused until I remembered what I asked him at the auditorium the other day. "Funny."

I closed my notebook, then took a bite of my cupcake. The first bite is always the best.

"Leah. What is your biggest dream?" Kian asked me and I looked at him then opened my mouth to speak. I did not need to think about it.

I looked into the distance then began talking. "Making music. Music that will change people's lives and have a meaning in people's lives, and to be someone's biggest inspiration or favorite artist." I answered then took another bite of my cupcake and looked at him and he was looking at me as if studying me.

" That's wonderful. "He said and I nod.

"And what's yours, Kian Emmons?"I asked him as I looked at him. He got up from the bench and walked up to the tree that was close to the bench then leaned on it.

" I don't really have a dream... I always, well just let life lead and take me wherever it takes me. "He answered.

We stayed in silence for a while and I fell into deep thought as I played with my pen." May I have a paper? "Kian broke the silence and brought me out of my thoughts.

" What-Oh, yeah sure. "I opened my notebook and tore a page then handed it to him. I closed the notebook and watched him make something with the paper.

He stopped then looked at me and smiled before handing me what he had been making. I took it and I was in awe. He had made a paper guitar origami, out of one single paper.

"Wow." I said under my breath as I examined the origami. "This is fantastic." I added and Kian chuckled.

"I learned that last night." He said and I was shocked. "You learned how to do this in a night?" I questioned and he nod. "It is actually quite easy."

He sat back down and asked me for another page which I gave him. "I will teach you."

He began folding the page and tearing it step by step and I watched him attentively. Once he finished he gave me the origami.

I took out another paper and tried it for myself. Instead of ending up with a guitar I ended up with a heart, I don't even know how.

"A little practice will help." I said as i looked at the heart then extanded my arm to give it to Kian and he took it and thanked me.

"Do you have any siblings?"I asked him as I broke another long silence we have had." I have a thirteen year old sister. "He answered.

" And you? "He asked. I have always been an only child and always will be. The closest to a sibling I have and will ever get is my cousin." No. I am an only child. "I answered.

I began to aks him a bunch of other questions and he just kept answering ,then we ended up somehow talking about cake.

"Lets go on a friend trip on Saturday." Kian said and I raised a confused eyebrow.

"A friend trip?" I questioned. "Let's go on a road trip, to this other music museum with a coffee shop inside museum that just opened up last week. It's a two hour drive from here." He explained.

"You want to go on a road trip with me?" I asked. "Yeah. As I said I like having life lead and take me wherever and at the moment it is taking me on a two hour  road trip on Saturday with a girl I met last week." He said.

Let life lead and take you wherever. Was all that was going through my mind at the moment.

" Sure why not. "I said.

Kian proceeded to ask for my number in style.

Kian seems to be a very outgoing and out there person and I know he is going to be an adventure of a friend.

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