Chapter :07 Seven

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I fiddled with my fingers in class and zoned out as all that filled my mind was having to try out for the solo singing and main duet in the upcoming school concert's program, later today.

Every year my school has the annual school concert where there would be all sorts of performances, like the main play and musical, band, main solo singing, duet and so many more and I have never had the courage to try out. But this year since it is my senior year I wanted to try out.

After school in the auditorium there were going to be auditions and I was so nervous I found it hard to pay attention in class.

I stopped fiddling with my fingers and picked up my pen to try and write notes as my History teacher spoke but I ended up putting it back down and going straight back into nervous thought.

The bell indicating the end of class rang and I pack away my stuff. Everyone wasted no time walking out of the class, as it was lunch time.

I picked up my bag and walked out. I began making my way to the cafeteria for the first time ever, before going to the auditorium.

I went into the cafeteria for not more then ten minutes before walking out with two packs of chips.

I looked down as I walked still quite nervous. Only to bump into Gia Everglen. Gia Everglen was someone you would say, is the most popular girl in school, actually no, Gia thought about herself as the most popular girl in school but at Middle Hill high there wasn't really all of that group separations shit.

She also happens to be the mayors granddaughter.

"Is walking normally so fucking difficult in this damn school. Congratulations on being the fifth person to bump into me today." She began as she stopped typing something on her phone to look at me.

"Thanks." I gave her a very evidently fake smile.

"Wasn't a compliment." She rolled her eyes before walking past me and continuing to walk.

"I know." I continued to walk and I had forgotten where I was planning on going and stopped walking to think for a while. "Right, the auditorium." I continued walking.

I walked into the auditorium and for the first time found Kian already there. He sat on the edge of the stage and I walked inside and made my way to the stage and climbed the stairs then walked up to the edge of the stairs sitting down next to him.

"Hi." He greeted me handing me a cupcake. "Hi." I greeted him handing him a pack of chips.

"Are you going to audition for anything for the school concert?" I asked him as I took a bite of my cupcake. "I wasn't planning of it." He replied.

"Are you?" He asked me. "Yeah I was planning on auditioning for the solo singing and duet." I replied. "That's great."

Kian's phone began ringing and he answered it. "Excuse me." He excused himself then began talking on the phone. He ended the call after about five minutes.

"Sorry, it was my best friend." He explained. "Why the apology?" I asked him. "I don't know, it just sounded right." He said and I shook my head and laughed.

We continued talking about the school concert.

"Oh damn Kian, who would have thought."Kian and I looked up at the entrance to see two boys and a girl standing by the entrance.

" I feel cheated on,by my own best friend. "One of the boys said and they all began walking towards the stage and climbed up the stairs.

" Oh hey guys. "Kian greeted them." Don't hey guys us. "The boy said and Kian rolled his eyes.

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