Chapter:09 Nine

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''Why are you up so early?''Mira asked me as i walked into the kitchen. It was currently four thirty am. ''Its Kian's Saturday,and I am sure that explains it.''I said as i picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and washed it before taking a bite.''I would love to go back to sleep. And why are you up so early?''I yawned. ''I am finishing up my final online assignment. Monday i am going back to school.''She answered.

''Tha-''I was cut short by the ringing of my phone. I looked at the screen to see Kian's name on the screen and i knew he was here. ''I have to go,i will see you later.''I said as i threw away the core of my apple and hugged Mira then walked out of the kitchen and out of the house,closing the door behind me.

I walked down the driveway to Kian's car and opened the door then got in. ''Hi Kian.''I greeted him as put on my seatbelt. ''Goodmorning Leah.''He greeted me back then began driving. ''Where are we going?''I asked him.''Do you like cotton candy?''He asked answering my question with a question.''Cotton candy?''I questioned confused.''Thats a hint.''He said.

He gave me the cord that connects my phone to his car. I had not realised that nothing was playing until then. ''Thanks.''I connected my phone to his car and began playing music.

''Shit.''He muttered under his breath.''Whats wrong?''I asked.''I forgot my wallet at home, I have to go back.''He said then did a u-turn and began driving to his house.

''You know,before meeting you i would have never woke up at four am in the morning, on a Saturday.''I said and Kian chuckled. ''No,cause the sun is not even up yet.''I added shaking my head.

Kian parked his car in his dirveway and got out of the car,closing the door behind him. He opened his door again and looked at me.''You can come in.''He said then closed the door once more. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car closing it behind me. I followed Kian inside.

''You can wait in the living room,I wont be long''He said then walked upstairs. I made my way to the living room and took a seat on the couch. I looked around and this house was beautifull and had a warm and comfy feeling to it.

''Hi Rory.''I almost jumped as i heard Aria say from behind me. I turned my head to see her holding onto the wall and one of her legs around her neck. She is flexible?

''Uh,hi Aria.''I greeted her back.''I am sorry for scaring you.''She appologised.''Dont worry about it,it's okay. Can i ask-''She cut me off and answered my unasked question,''I am doing my morning stretch i have a gymnastics competition coming up.'' She explained.''You are a gymnast?''I asked and she nod.''How long have you been doing gymnastics?''I asked.''Since i was able to walk.''She asnwered.''Wow-''I was cut short by Kian as he entered the living room.

''I found it,we can go now.''He said and i got up from the couch and said goodbye to Aria. We walked out of the house and Kian closed the door behind us. We walked to the car and got it.I put on my seatbelt as Kian started the car and began driving.

Kian got a call and has been talking on the phone for the past thirty minutes. I took out my phone and began texting Mira for  while before resting my head on the window and falling asleep.


I woke up and the car was no longer moving. I looked outside the window and we were at a carnival. I looked at Kian who was on his phone. He looked up from his phone and looked at me.''You are up?''He said.

''How long have we been here?''I asked.''We arrived forty five minutes ago.''He answered.''Why did you not wake me up?''I asked.''I did not want to disturb your sleep,and its only six fifty eight and the carnival opens at seven.''He said.''You woke up right on time''He added.

''Your cotton candy clue makes sense now.''I said and he chuckled.''Lets get going.''He said as he opened his door and got out. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out closing the door behind me.

The last time i was at a carnival was on my tenth birthday,with my parents, Eight years ago.

Once seven hit the carnival lit up and everything began working.There were already many people going in the carnival ,who looked like they have been waiting a while. We walked into the carnival and my inner child woke up as excitement built up in me.

''Where do you want to go first?''Kian asked me and i looked around.''Lets got try and win one of those teddy bears.''I said and began walking towards the game stalls and Kian followed behind me.

Kian and i played two different games. I won a panda stuffed animal and walked up to Kian who was holding a dog stuffed animal. We swapped our stuffed animals, I gave Kian the Panda and he gave me the Dog. We Played more game but did not win any, Then we went on different rides and ate a lot of candies and carnival food that i almost threw up after going on one of the rides. 

We even got face painted,i got a butterfly on my right cheek and Kian got a butterfly on his left cheek after a lot of persuading from me. I got chased by a bulldog,because i was wearing a shirt with a bone and chicken wings ,that i had gotten for free after going on one of the rides.

We ate more candies and slushies,then proceeded to go on more rides. I got chased by another dog before deciding to take the shirt of. More candies were eaten and a lot more rides were ridden.

The last ride we went on was the ferris wheel as the sun was setting. ''Can candies get you drunk?''I asked Kian who was sitting across me in the ferris wheel cubical. ''No,they can't''He answered.''I feel drunk. Can a person feel drunk from candies? How is it like to be drunk ?''I asked and Kian chuckled.

The ferris wheel came to a stop and we got off then made our way out of the carnival as closing time was nearing. We made our way to Kian's car and as i was about to open the door everything i ate today came rushing up and i vomited. Kian gave me water and i thanked him. I drank some and washed my mouth and spat the water.

I got in the car and my energy was on another level ,but i was still very tired. ''Best Saturday ever!''I smiled and Kian laughed.

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