Chapter :15 Fifteen

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I was at Kian's house finishing of our English project, which was due the next day.

We were working on the finishing touches of the project. I sneezed then coughed and Kian looked at me and I put up two thumbs to say I am okay then we continued to work on the project.

I sneezed again and coughed once again, for longer. Kian looked at me again. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes." I nod my head. "You sure? Cause your eyes are turning red and you have been sneezing and coughing since you got here." He said.

"You know what I will finish the project. You go rest on the couch and I will make you some soup." He said then got up and helped me up to my feet.

He led me to the living room and I sat down on the couch then he left the living room and came back a little while later with a blanket and a hot water bottle.

He put the blanket on me and gave me the hot water bottle then left the living room for a long while and came back with soup, which he handed it to me and walked out of the living room, coming back with my bag and his laptop and notebook.

He sat down and continued doing the project as I ate the soup.

When I was done with the soup he took the plate to the kitchen and came back with flu pills and water and gave them to me to take.

I put the pill in my mouth and drank the water then put the water on the table.

Kian turned on a movie for me to watch as he finished the project and after a few minutes I fell asleep.


I woke up to an aroma of something baking. I picked up my phone from the table and sat up then turned it on to check the time.

Kian walked into the living room and smiled when he saw me awake, he was holding two plates of cake in his hands.

He sat down next to me and I looked at him. He handed me the cake and I smiled as I took it. "Some cake to make you feel a little better."Kian said and I thanked him.

" What is your favorite movie? "Kian asked me and I looked at him already knowing the answer." Titanic, it is my favorite movie of all time. I love history and I just love the movie so much and... Why are you asking? "I said and he looked at me.

" No reason. Let's watch it. "Kian said and my expression lit up as he got up and turned the movie on,  before sitting back down.

" Have you ever watched it? "I asked him." Once. "He answered then looked at me." I have watched it atleast thirty times and I know the entire movie word for word. "I said and smiled and Kian chuckled.

" We will see. "Kian said as the movie began playing.

We watched the movie in mostly silence and a few questions from Kian and I am sure he cried at some point.

When there was about thirty minutes left Kian fell asleep he rested his head on my shoulder and I smiled. He must be very tired.

He was still holding his plate of cake, with a little bit of cake left so I took it from him and placed it down on the table making sure not to wake him up.

This year has been a very interesting one so far and I still can't believe everything that has happened. My favorite part of it is definitely meeting Kian. If someone told me I would meet a boy who I would consider one of the most important people in my life, one year ago I would consider that person crazy.

I don't know why we met but I know there is a reason he was brought into my life and I was brought into his. I have never met anyone quite like him, and I know he means, and will continue to mean so much to me.

A few tears ran down my face which I wiped away. He came into my life at the perfect time.

I rested my head on his as the movie was coming to an end.

"Thank you, Kian Emmons." I muttered under my breath.

I let him sleep until he woke up, even though it was getting late.

He woke up after two hours, it was currently eight pm at night. " It is late, why did you not wake me up?" He asked.

"You looked peaceful." I replied and smiled at him and he returned the smile. "Let me take you home." He said, getting up. "I came with my car." I said. "I will drive you home with your car." He said and I gave him a questioning brow.

"How will you get home?" I asked. "I will walk." He answered. "Our house are apart by twenty minutes with a car imagine walking and it is late." I said. "I will be fine. Now let's get you home." He said and I shook my head and smiled.

I got up and picked up my stuff then followed Kian who was already out of the house.

I got in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. Kian began driving and I couldn't help but look at him the whole way to my house.

Kian and I both got out of the car and Kian walked to me and stood infront of me. "I-" I cut him short and hugged him he hugged me back after a short while.

I let go and looked up at him. "You always give me these, and I wanted to give you some. I opened my bag and began looking for them.

I handed him a cake shaped origami and a guitar shaped one, aswell as a heart shaped one. He looked shocked for a while before taking them." How?"He asked, shocked.

" I spent the whole week, Last week learning how to make these origami's and I finally got it. And by the way there are messages at the back of them. "I said.

He looked into my eyes for a long while and I too maintained the eye contact.

" Thank you. "He thanked me and I smiled then we continued looking into each other's eyes until Mira's voice caused us to look away.

" Hey, you two. "She said as she had her arms crossed and was leaning on the door frame.

" Hi Mira."Kian greeted her." Goodbye Leah. "He said goodbye to me and I too said goodbye, " Goodbye Kian and travel safely. Are you sure I should not drive you back? "I said and Kian chuckled.

" I will be fine, and besides if you drive me back it would turn into a never ending cycle of driving each other back. "He said and I sighed." Goodbye. "He said one last time and I waved to him then he walked away.

I watched him walk away until he was no longer in view." You plan on coming in, lover girl? "Mira asked." Huh, what? "I questioned before shaking my head and walking into the house.

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