A Bruised Morning

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"Shit," I spat out, my frustration evident in my voice. I couldn't believe this was happening. Not today. We were already short-staffed with the students going on a field trip, and now I had to deal with this. How was I going to explain all these bruises? And Linda, my nosy coworker, was never going to stop asking questions.

I trudged back to my apartment, my body aching with every step. The pain was a constant reminder of last night's events. I needed to patch up these bruises before facing the curious eyes of my colleagues. I stripped off my clothes and examined the damage in the bathroom mirror. My face was a canvas of purple and blue, a stark contrast against my pale complexion.

I rummaged through my first aid kit, attempting to conceal the evidence of my altercation. With each dab of concealer and strategic placement of bandages, I tried to create a facade of normalcy. But no amount of makeup could hide the truth from those who knew me well.

As I arrived at work, feeling like a walking bruise, I found Linda already waiting for me. Her eyes widened as she took in my dishevelled appearance, her anger quickly transforming into concern.

"I know I'm late," I began, my voice a mix of exhaustion and apology. "It won't happen again."

She studied me for a moment before her gaze drifted to my face, her eyes narrowing in on the colourful marks that marred my features. "What happened to you?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the barrage of questions that were sure to follow. "I got jumped last night," I admitted reluctantly. "But... Some strange man actually saved me."

Linda's concern deepened as she reached out and gently pulled up the hem of my shirt, exposing the angry bruises that adorned my ribs. Pain shot through me as her fingers grazed the tender skin, and I winced involuntarily.

"We need to get a scan on this," she said firmly, her voice leaving no room for arguments.

"No," I growled, my stubbornness overriding the pain. "Just fix me up so I can get to work. I'll be fine."

Linda's eyes bore into mine, the worry etched on her face. "You can't keep brushing this off," she said softly, her voice laced with concern. "You need to take care of yourself. Let us help."

I stared back at her, gratitude mingling with my stubbornness. It was hard to admit that I needed assistance and that I couldn't handle everything on my own. But Linda's genuine concern touched me, reminding me that I didn't have to face the world alone.

Reluctantly, I nodded, accepting her offer of help. Deep down, I knew it was time to confront the truth and seek the support I desperately needed.

I sat there in the doctor's lounge stunned, as the image of Blake, the renowned kickboxer, stared back at me from the laptop screen. How did I end up in the presence of such a formidable figure? Questions swirled in my mind, each one more perplexing than the last.

My fingers trembled as I reopened the laptop, unable to resist the urge to delve deeper into Blake's enigmatic existence. The search results were flooded with articles detailing his illustrious career in the ring. Championships won, opponents defeated, and a reputation that preceded him wherever he went. It was a world completely foreign to me, a world of power and strength that seemed light-years away from my own reality.

As I scrolled through the pages, my eyes were drawn to an interview with Blake. He spoke of his passion for martial arts, his relentless pursuit of perfection, and a deep-seated desire to protect those in need. It seemed that beneath his tough exterior, there was a genuine kindness that fueled his actions.

I couldn't help but wonder why someone like Blake would come to my aid. What had compelled him to intervene when I was in danger? Was it simply a desire to protect or was there something more? These questions gnawed at me, urging me to seek answers.

"Mandy! Patients are waiting," Dr. Goodwin's voice echoed through the bustling hospital corridors, jolting me out of my deep concentration. Startled, I quickly closed the laptop that held my attention captive and looked up at her, my heart pounding.

"What happened to you?" Dr. Goodwin inquired, concern etched on her face. Her eyes scanned me, taking in the dishevelled state of my appearance and the unease that lingered in my eyes.

"Nothing," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, as I reached out to take the patient's file from her. I needed a distraction, an escape from the probing questions that threatened to unravel the careful facade I had built. With a subtle nod, I turned away, hoping to disappear before he could delve further into my private turmoil.

As I navigated the maze of hospital corridors, my mind was a tempest of conflicting emotions. I couldn't shake off the lingering sense of fear that had gripped me when Dr. Goodwin had interrupted my thoughts. It was a fear I had become all too familiar with, one that had haunted me for weeks, growing stronger with each passing day.

Patient after patient, I moved through the motions, mechanically attending to their needs, but my mind remained elsewhere. The questions from my patients began to blend together, an indistinguishable chorus of curiosity and concern. Annoyance crept in, fueled by my own frustration at being unable to provide them with answers.

The truth was, I didn't have any answers. Not for them, not for myself. I was trapped in a whirlwind of uncertainty, plagued by a secret that threatened to consume me whole. The weight of it all pressed down on my shoulders, threatening to shatter the carefully constructed facade I presented to the world.

As the day wore on, the walls of the hospital seemed to close in on me, echoing the suffocating grip of my own inner turmoil. I longed for a moment of respite, a chance to escape the relentless barrage of questions and the constant reminder of the unknown that loomed over me.

Finally, the clock struck the end of my shift, and I found myself walking briskly towards the exit, hoping to find solace in the familiar embrace of the outside world. As I stepped out into the cool evening air, a sense of freedom washed over me, if only momentarily.

The streets were filled with people going about their lives, oblivious to the storm that raged within me. I envied their obliviousness, their ability to navigate through life without the weight of unanswered questions weighing them down. But I knew I couldn't continue like this. I had to find a way to confront my fears, to uncover the truth that lay dormant in the depths of my soul.

With renewed determination, I made my way back to my apartment, my sanctuary amidst the chaos. Inside, I paced back and forth, the walls seeming to close in on me once again. I needed answers, and I needed them now.

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