A Mother's Descent

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Emily's POV

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, unable to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through me. I had never expected Blake to reveal such depths within himself, to expose his vulnerabilities so openly. But at that moment, I realized that I was falling for him, falling deeper than I had ever fallen before.

"The day I lost my sister and mother, I lost my humanity," he confessed, his voice cracking with pain. "But you...you brought me back, Emily."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of our shared experiences, and our shared pain. I reached up to brush away the tears staining my cheeks, my heart aching and yet hopeful.

"You helped me break free from the memories I kept inside for years, and I want to help you break free from the fear you've been carrying for years," Blake whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. He gently placed his forehead against mine, his warm breath mingling with mine. And in that moment, as his lips met mine in a tender kiss, my entire body shivered with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability.

It wasn't just the cold water that sent shivers down my spine, but the way he made me feel alive, as if every nerve in my body was awakened by his touch. I couldn't help but let out a soft plea, my words barely audible. "Don't break me, please."

Blake's eyes softened, and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I won't break you," he assured me, his voice filled with a deep sense of understanding. "And you have to promise to never leave me the way my mother did."

My heart ached as I saw the pain and loneliness etched in his eyes, a reminder of the sister and mother he had lost. I knew then that I never wanted to be the cause of such sorrow. With a smile, I made a vow to him. "I won't leave, I promise."

A flicker of relief passed through his eyes, and a small, mischievous grin tugged at his lips. "Good," he said, his voice low and smouldering. It sent a delightful shiver down my spine, contrasting with the cold breeze that whipped around us.

The freezing wind cut through me, chilling me to the bone. I turned to Blake, hoping he would share my sentiment.

"Can we please get out of the water now?" I pleaded, my teeth chattering. He nodded in understanding, his warm smile contrasting with the harsh weather. With ease, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to the safety of the deck.

I quickly dressed in my jeans, grateful for the extra layer of warmth they provided. As I removed my wet t-shirt, a shiver ran down my spine. I hastily pulled on my jacket, hoping it would shield me from the biting wind. Blake, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by the cold. With his strong, muscular physique, it was no wonder he could withstand the chill.

I couldn't help but giggle at myself when Blake caught me staring. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he zipped up his pants.

"Pizza and movies?" he suggested, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "Or do you want to go out tonight?"

My mind drifted to the idea of being nestled in bed with Blake, our bodies intertwined, the only illumination coming from the dimmed lights and the moonlit sky outside. The wind would serenade us as he showered me with kisses, exploring every inch of my body.

A blush crept up my cheeks as I realized I had been lost in my own fantasy. I playfully nudged Blake's arm, trying to regain my composure.

"Pizza and movies sound perfect," I replied, my voice laced with a mix of anticipation and excitement.

Blake's POV

As I picked up Em from the ground, her small frame felt light in my arms. Her face held the most adorable smile, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her. But the joyous moment was abruptly shattered when my gaze shifted towards the entrance of my apartment. There, lying in front of my door, was my mother, lost in her own world of puke and having a seizure.

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