Confusion and Confrontation

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As we approached the bar, the bartender greeted us with a warm smile. I glanced at Michell, hoping to distract myself from the sight of Blake and Vicky, and asked, "So, what's your drink of choice?"

Michell chuckled, his eyes twinkling, "I'll have a classic Old Fashioned. And you?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to order. "Um, surprise me," I finally replied with a shy smile.

The bartender nodded and got to work, crafting our drinks with precision and care. As he handed us our beverages, I couldn't help but notice the way Michell's hand brushed against mine while reaching for his glass. It sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I quickly took a sip of my drink to distract myself.

The music playing in the background was a mix of smooth jazz and upbeat tunes, creating a lively atmosphere. I found myself tapping my foot to the rhythm, and the desire to dance suddenly took hold of me.

"Do you want to dance?" I blurted out, instantly regretting it the moment the words left my mouth.

Michell's face lit up with a genuine smile. "Yes, that would be nice," he replied, taking my hand in his. We walked towards the dance floor, and as we moved together, I could feel the warmth of his touch and the gentle sway of his body.

But even in that moment of pure happiness, I couldn't escape the feeling of Blake's eyes on me. I knew he was watching, and it made my heart race with a mixture of nerves and anticipation. However, this time, I refused to give in to the temptation of glancing in his direction.

We danced to a couple of slow songs, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. The music wrapped around us like a warm embrace, and for a while, everything else ceased to exist. It was just me and Michell lost in the magic of the moment.

The DJ announced that dinner would be served soon, and we reluctantly parted ways on the dance floor. Michell's hand lingered in mine for a moment longer before we made our way back to our group of friends.

As we gathered around the tables, waiting for the delicious aroma of food to fill the air, Linda leaned in and whispered, "You okay?"

I turned to her, a soft smile on my lips. "I am," I replied honestly. Despite the lingering presence of Blake and Vicky.

Just as I thought I had managed to put my worries aside, they called Blake to the stage to speak about the sponsors the kickboxing club was donating. My heart sank, knowing that all eyes would be on him, hanging on his every word. I couldn't help but wonder if he had done it to spite me, to show off his success in front of our shared acquaintances.

As Blake confidently addressed the crowd, receiving praise and admiration, there was a lingering sense of bitterness, a reminder of last night and the pain it had caused.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Blake making his way towards me until his voice broke through the haze. "You look lovely," he said, a hint of whiskey on his breath.

I mustered a polite smile, trying to keep a cool composure. "Thank you," I replied, my voice tinged with a touch of awkwardness.

Feeling a mix of frustration and confusion, I excused myself, mumbling a quick "excuse me," before making my way out onto the balcony. The wind outside was biting, and I instantly regretted not grabbing a jacket. Nevertheless, the fresh air hit my face, clearing my mind, and giving me a moment to breathe again.

As I stood there, trying to gather my thoughts, I heard a noise behind me. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, I turned around, only to find Blake stumbling over the side table by the long sleeper couch that was placed on the balcony. "Fuck," he cursed, clearly aggravated by his clumsiness.

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