A Test of Strength

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"Em, you've had enough," I say, reaching out to take the bottle from her unsteady grip. However, before I can even make contact, Tommy steps in, his mischievous nature evident in the flicker of his eyebrows.

"Dude, let the girl have some fun," he smirks, clearly egging me on.

My frustration mounts as I watch Emily take another swig from the bottle, her actions becoming more reckless by the minute. I know I have to intervene before things spiral out of control. "Come on, I'm taking you home," I say firmly, my voice laced with concern.

But just as I move to guide Emily away from the chaos of the party, Tommy takes it a step too far. In a split second, his hand lands on Emily's rear, an unwelcome gesture that crosses the line of respect. Without thinking, my anger takes over, and before I can even process my actions, Tommy finds himself sprawled on the floor, blood gushing from his nose.

"What are you doing?" Emily yells, her voice a mixture of shock and disbelief. The room falls silent, all eyes turning toward me with a mixture of fear and astonishment.

"For an abusive stepfather who was a drunk, you sure know how to drink?" I said, my voice dripping with bitterness. Her eyes went wide, and tears immediately filled them. I watched as the pain etched across her face, replacing the flicker of hope that had been there just moments before. Linda, stood nearby, her expression a mixture of confusion and concern. Clearly, she had no idea about the dark history that Em and I shared. And in that moment, I regretted ever revealing it.

I did the one thing I know will push her over the edge. The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even think twice about it. The look on her face told me that I had hit a nerve, struck a painful chord deep within her. But I couldn't take it back now. It was too late.

Em stood up abruptly from the floor, her shoes slipping off and clattering against the hardwood. Without a word, she dashed down the stairs, her footsteps echoing through the club. Panic surged within me as I realized the gravity of what I had done. I couldn't let her escape like this.

"Em?" I called out, my voice tinged with desperation, but she paid no attention to me. Her pain was palpable, radiating off her like waves of heat. I saw that look earlier. It was the same look when she told me how she as an eight-year-old girl, begged her stepfather to leave her alone because he hurt her.

Summoning all the courage I had left, I followed her down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest. I found her in the alley, her back turned to me as she stared in front of her. The alley was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft sound of her sniffles.

"Em?" I called out again, this time reaching out to gently grab her arm. She flinched at my touch, but I refused to let go. I needed her to understand that I was here for her, no matter what.

"Leave me alone," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of pain and resignation. Her face was just inches away from mine, and I could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. It was as if time had stood still, and I was transported back to that little girl who had endured so much.

As Emily's tears streamed down her face, I felt the crushing weight of guilt bearing down on me. Each droplet mirrored the pain that I had fucking inflicted upon her, and I couldn't help but despise myself for causing such anguish.

I watch the clock against the wall for the 100th time now. Linda was supposed to be back by 10, it's already 1 PM, and I haven't heard from her. The anticipation and worry gnaw at my insides, making it hard to focus on anything else. Time seems to stretch endlessly as I wait for some sign, some indication that she's okay.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it, hoping to see a missed call or a message from Linda. But there's nothing. No messages, no calls. It's as if she's vanished into thin air. Panic starts to settle in, my mind racing with all the worst-case scenarios.

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