Unexpected Visitors

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"Why?" I cry out, my hands desperately clawing at the air behind him. But he remains steadfast, refusing to give in to my desperation.

"I thought this is what you live for? Fame and having girls begging you for sex?" I started getting annoyed with the way he rejected me.

"You're not any girl," he said, his voice filled with a hint of regret. I scoffed, the bitterness in my tone betraying my hurt.

"Don't give me that bullshit. You said no strings attached, so here I am, no strings attached," I retorted, my voice quivering with a mix of anger and disappointment. It felt like a never-ending cycle with him, an endless dance of push and pull. One moment he would shower me with attention, and the next he would push me away, leaving me feeling empty and rejected.

His eyes held a flicker of sadness as he studied my tear-stained face. I could see the guilt etched on his features as he asked the question he already knew the answer to.

"Tell me, would this be your first time?" he inquired softly, as if afraid of the response.

I felt my heart drop, the weight of his words crushing my already fragile spirit. How could he ask such a question, knowing the answer would only further highlight my vulnerability? It was as if he revelled in my pain, using it as a way to manipulate and control me.

At that moment, I couldn't bear to be in his presence any longer. I jumped off his lap, the hurt fueling my actions.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything," he pleaded, his voice laced with regret. But his words fell on deaf ears as I hastily pulled my t-shirt over my head, the pain in my ribs intensifying with every movement. My face was hot and swollen, a physical representation of the emotional turmoil raging inside me.

"Well, you're doing a shitty job," I muttered, unable to hide the bitterness in my voice. I turned towards the front door, determined to escape the suffocating atmosphere that enveloped us.

"Em?" he called out, his voice filled with desperation. I paused, my hand on the doorknob, unsure if I could handle another round of his empty promises and half-hearted apologies.

"No, I will see you at the gym tomorrow," I replied, my voice firm and resolute. With a heavy heart, I walked towards the exit, only to be spun around by his strong grip on my hands.

"You're in pain. Just stay so I can take care of you, please," he pleaded, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

Emily's POV

I nodded, my head throbbing in agreement as Blake gently took my hand and led me towards the plush couch in his living room. I sank into the cushions, feeling the weight of exhaustion seep into my bones. The events of the evening had left me drained, both physically and emotionally.

"Just stay here," Blake's voice was soothing, a balm to my frayed nerves. "I will order some food and get us some drinks. We can watch a movie and take care of that swelling eye of yours. I'll grab some ice."

His words were a lifeline, offering respite from the chaos that had unfolded earlier. I closed my eyes for a moment, allowing myself to surrender to the comfort of the couch.

Rest. That's what I needed. Rest and a reprieve from the seething rage that still simmered beneath the surface. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm the storm within me, as Blake returned with a bag of ice and a bandage.

He was gentle as he placed the ice pack on my swollen eye, the cold numbing the pain that throbbed relentlessly. "Pull up your top," he instructed softly, concern etched in his eyes. I complied, wincing as he carefully wrapped the bandage around my tender ribs. Tears welled up, escaping the corners of my eyes, as the sharp ache shot down my spine.

"Sorry," Blake murmured, his voice laced with regret. His apology touched a tender spot within me, reminding me that not all people were monsters.

"It's okay," I managed to whisper, my voice trembling. Gratitude swelled within me, a wave of warmth that washed away some of the pain. "Thank you."

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Blake's lips as he fluffed a pillow and placed it behind my back, providing a cushion for my weary body. "Get some rest," he urged gently, his concern palpable. "I'll order some food while you recharge."

The exhaustion weighed heavily on my eyelids, and I mustered a tired smile before closing my eyes. As I drifted towards sleep, Blake's voice, barely above a whisper, reached my ears.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care. I nodded, although he couldn't see it, my eyes still closed. His touch grazed my cheek, a tender caress that offered solace in a world that had become so tumultuous.

He left the room to order our meal, and I let myself succumb to the embrace of darkness, trusting that for now, in this haven of warmth and compassion, I was safe.

As I lay here, my body aching and my mind racing, I try to make sense of what just happened. My heart still pounds in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It could have been so much worse if we had allowed things to escalate any further. But somehow, amidst the rage and anger, a sense of calmness has washed over me. I can finally feel my body relaxing as if surrendering to the exhaustion that has consumed me.

Beside me, a familiar figure settles down, offering me a small semblance of comfort. He places a bottle of painkillers in my trembling hands, assuring me that the food we ordered will arrive soon. Gently, he lifts my feet onto his lap, his touch radiating warmth and tenderness. I can't help but feel a glimmer of gratitude amidst the pain.

"You should get some rest," he whispers, his voice laced with concern. "I'll wake you up when the food arrives. Just try to relax, okay?"

I manage a weak smile, my eyes heavy with fatigue, and close them once more. The weight of the situation seems to momentarily subside as I succumb to sleep's gentle embrace. The darkness offers a respite from the harsh reality of the outside world, and for a brief moment, I find solace in its embrace.

In the depths of my slumber, I mutter a heartfelt thank you, my voice barely audible. He turns his gaze towards me, curiosity etched across his face. "For what?" he asks softly, his concern evident in his eyes.

I pause for a moment, trying to find the words to express the gratitude that wells up within me. "For being here," I finally respond, my voice filled with sincerity. "For taking care of me, even when I can't take care of myself."

A tender smile graces his lips, illuminating his features.

Blake's POV

I sat by Em's side, watching over her as she slept. It had been three hours since she had drifted off, and I couldn't help but worry. The wind outside had picked up, and I could hear the distant rumblings of thunder. A storm was brewing, but my concern lay solely with Em.

Every few minutes, I would check on her, making sure the swelling from her injury hadn't worsened. She had refused to go to the hospital, despite being a nurse herself. I understood her aversion, knowing that the people at the emergency department were aware of her past. Only Linda, her closest friend, knew the full story. I knew Em's worst fear was being perceived as weak, but I believed that sometimes, vulnerability could be a strength. It allowed for love, passion, and dependence - qualities I had come to cherish in Em.

I gently covered her with a warm blanket, hoping to shield her from the growing storm. Just as I settled back into my seat, a loud knock echoed through the house. I rushed to the door, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping that the noise wouldn't disturb Em's peaceful slumber.

Opening the door, I was taken aback by the sight before me. It was my mother, standing there in a dishevelled state. It was evident that she had been drinking and was under the influence of something else. Her appearance was unkempt, and her bloodshot eyes spoke of sleepless nights and troubled days.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I asked, my voice filled with a mixture of surprise and anger. It had been years since I had seen her, and I had hoped to keep it that way.

"I just need a place to stay tonight," she pleaded, fear trembling in her voice.

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