Shattered Trust

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Blake's POV

As I watch Emily's taillights fade into the distance, leaving me stranded on the curb, a mix of anger and hurt surges through my veins. How could she just abandon me like that, as if I meant nothing to her? My fists clench instinctively, and I release my frustration by pounding the boot of my car, each blow echoing my inner turmoil.

The onlookers in the parking lot shoot a fucking disapproving glances my way, their judgmental eyes adding fuel to the fire raging within me. In a fit of rage, I let out a primal scream, challenging anyone who dares question my outburst. The couple nearby averts their gaze, hurriedly escaping into the safety of their own vehicle.

Taking a deep breath, I attempt to steady myself, realizing that giving in to anger will solve nothing. With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly retreat to the refuge of my car. The engine roars to life as I speed away, the road stretching out before me like an endless path of uncertainty and heartache.

The drive back to the gym feels like an eternity, each passing mile a painful reminder of the shattered trust between Emily and me. I need an outlet, an escape from the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume me. And if anything can provide solace now, it's the familiar and comforting embrace of a rigorous workout.

Arriving at the gym, I quickly change into my gym clothes and slip on my boxing gloves, each strap encircling my hands feels like a protective armour, shielding me from the fucking guilt and pain that threaten to consume me.

The weight of the gloves anchors me to the present, grounding my restless mind. With each punch, I release my pent-up frustration, my body moving in sync with the rhythm of my racing heartbeat. The sound of leather meeting the punching bag reverberates through the empty gym, drowning out the thoughts that torment me.

Sweat drips down my forehead, mingling with the tears that have escaped my eyes. Time seems to stand still as I pour my anguish into each strike, my muscles burning with exertion. The pain I feel physically pales in comparison to the emotional anguish that gnaws at my soul.

The sound of my fists striking the punching bag echoed through the empty room, as if each punch was an attempt to erase the pain that consumed me. Sweat dripped down my forehead, my muscles aching from the exertion. But physical pain was nothing compared to the anguish I felt deep within my heart.

My mind was consumed by thoughts of Emily, She was the only person I had ever allowed myself to truly love, and she fucking walked away. Just like my mother, she had walked away when things became too difficult. It seemed like leaving was their only solution when faced with heated emotions and complex situations.

I couldn't help but wonder if I was fooling myself all along, believing that I was capable of experiencing love or being loved by someone. My past had been filled with shallow relationships that never amounted to anything serious. But with Emily, it was different. She had shattered my illusions of love and proven to me that it was nothing more than a cruel fucking facade.

As I continued to pummel the punching bag, the anger within me grew. I was furious at myself for allowing someone to have such fucking power over my emotions. How could I have been so blind to think that love could truly exist? Emily had shown me that walking away was the only thing people were capable of, leaving me to question my own worthiness of love.

I felt the sweat soak through my clothes and my muscles screamed in protest when I heard a familiar voice.

The rhythmic thuds of gloves hitting punching bags created a symphony that drowned out the noise in my head.

But today, my sanctuary was invaded by the sharp voice of Lizzy, "Well well, if it isn't Mister I found true love himself?" her voice echoed through the gym.

I turned to face her, my hands gripping the punching bag tightly. "Don't fucking start with me," I replied, trying to keep my anger in check.

"What, trouble in paradise already?" she asked, a smirk playing on her face. I clenched my jaw, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response. Instead, I focused on my breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply to calm the storm raging within me.

But Lizzy was persistent. "Oh well, more time for us," she said with an evil smirk, clearly relishing in my discomfort. I knew she had always harbured feelings for me, but I had never reciprocated.

I glanced at Lizzy, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh come on, Blake, I have some good news," she said, clapping her hands together eagerly. I arched an eyebrow, curious despite myself.

She hesitated for a moment, savoring the anticipation before finally blurting it out. "Mike called the gym, but obviously you were with that nurse," she drawled, her words dripping with derision.

I gritted my teeth, fighting the urge to lash out at her. Lizzy knew exactly how to push my buttons, and she reveled in the power it gave her. "Get to the fucking point," I growled, my frustration seeping through my words.

A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she leaned in closer. "There's a middle-weight championship battle next month," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "And they want you to be the main event against Paul Duncan."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Paul Duncan, the legendary boxer who had retired undefeated, was making a comeback and wanted to face me in the ring. The news hit me like a thunderbolt, a mixture of shock and disbelief coursing through my veins.

"Yes," Lizzy confirmed, her smile widening. "He came back, and he specifically requested you as his opponent."

A million thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to process the magnitude of this opportunity. Paul Duncan was a boxing icon, and a victory against him would cement my place in history. But the challenge that lay ahead was daunting, to say the least.

I looked at Lizzy, my eyes filled with a newfound determination. "Tell Mike I'm in," I said, my voice filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "I'll face Paul Duncan in the ring, and I'll show the world what I'm truly capable of."

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