Intoxicated Bliss

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My thoughts were interrupted as she removed her shirt, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered, "I want to." Her eyes burned with a mixture of desire and vulnerability.

My heart pounded in my chest as the weight of her words sank in. Was she sure about this? I knew there would be no going back if we crossed that line.

"Are you sure?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "There is no going back if we do this."

Her gaze never wavered as she replied, "I want to, and I want to be with you in every way." Her words ignited a fire within me, a primal urge to possess her completely. But I hesitated, my mind plagued with doubts. What if I hurt her? What if I couldn't live up to her expectations?

"Em, we can't," I said, my voice tinged with a mix of desire and restraint. I continued to kiss her, my lips exploring her breasts and her mouth, while my hands caressed her body. The sensations were fucking overwhelming, and I felt a surge of electricity course through me. I had never experienced this level of closeness with anyone before.

"Em," I pleaded, trying to convey my inner turmoil. "We need to take things slow. I don't want to rush into anything and risk hurting you."

But she didn't listen. Instead, she moaned in pleasure, her breath coming in short gasps. It was clear that her desire had consumed her, overpowering any rational thoughts. I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards her, the magnetic force that drew us together.

I picked her up, my arms effortlessly lifting her delicate frame as I removed the pillows from the bed. My lips were locked on her neck, relishing in the taste of her skin. The heat between us was undeniable, but deep down, a voice of reason echoed in my mind, reminding me that this was wrong. She was pure, and here I was, on the verge of taking away the one thing that a woman values most.

Emily's presence consumed me, her every breath and movement fueling my desire for her. I never wanted to lose her, couldn't bear the thought of dreaming about her and imagining her in the arms of another fucking man. The weight of my conflicting emotions pressed heavily upon me, but the allure of her body was too strong to resist.

"Stop, Emily," I managed to say, my voice strained with a mixture of longing and self-restraint.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and desire. Her breath was still heavy, her chest rising and falling with an intoxicating rhythm. "Why not?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of disappointment.

I hesitated, struggling to find the right words to explain the turmoil within me. "I don't know how to do this gently," I confessed, my voice barely a fucking whisper.

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, her trust in me shining through. "I trust you," she said, her words touching my soul in a way I never thought possible.

The intensity of her statement only fueled my passion for her. In that moment, I knew there was no turning back. I removed her panties, the anticipation mounting with every passing second. With trembling hands, I retrieved a condom from my pants, my mind racing with a mixture of excitement and fear.

She moaned softly, her body arching towards me, a clear indication of her desire. This time, as I touched her, I could feel the evidence of her arousal, and it ignited a fire within me that threatened to consume us both.

Unable to resist any longer, I guided myself into her, the sensation overwhelming us both. A symphony of pleasure and ecstasy filled the room as a loud sound escaped her lips, mingling with my own gasps of pleasure.

As I gazed into her eyes, a wave of euphoria washed over me. "Tell me if it hurts, okay?" I whispered, my voice laced with concern. Her eyes flickered with a mix of anticipation and desire, and in that moment, it felt like we had both been transported to another dimension. It was as if we had taken a potent drug, rendering us incapable of escaping the intoxicating feeling that consumed us.

I buried my head into the crook of her neck, losing myself in the rhythm of our bodies. The way she responded to my touch was nothing short of exquisite. Every glide, every movement, elicited moans of pleasure from her lips. The way her body moved with mine was a perfect symphony, and I never wanted it to end.

With every thrust, the connection between us grew stronger. It was more than just physical pleasure; it was a spiritual merging of souls. The intensity of our union was electrifying, igniting a fire within us that burned brighter with each passing moment. I could feel her nearing the pinnacle of ecstasy, and I knew I wouldn't be far behind.

"Blake," she uttered my name, and I knew she had reached the precipice of pleasure. Her body stiffened beneath me, and yet she remained in a trance-like state, shimmering with the sheen of sweat that adorned her skin.

Concern flooded my senses as I withdrew from her, softly caressing her face. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine worry. She opened her eyes, a radiant smile gracing her lips, and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I have never felt anything better than what I feel with you," she whispered, her words filling my heart with joy. I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelling with love and affection. I kissed her forehead tenderly, cherishing the bond we shared.

As she stood up from the bed, my gaze followed her graceful movements to the dressing table. "Are you coming?" she beckoned, removing my boxer shorts and a t-shirt with a mischievous smile.

I couldn't help but chuckle, remembering how she had initially freaked out when she first donned my clothes. "Are you wearing my clothes?" I asked a playful glint in my eyes. She simply smiled and took my hand, pulling me up from the bed.

"I want to shower with you," she declared, her voice laced with desire. I picked her up effortlessly, my lips trailing kisses along every inch of her body, savouring the taste of her skin.

As we made our way to the bathroom, a sense of gratitude washed over me. "Thank you," I whispered softly, overwhelmed by the depth of my emotions for her.

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