Chapter 7: Ignite

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I have noticed that my other fic 'Homecoming' is being referred to or tagged in a lot of places like Twitter, Ao3, etc. but as I am seldom on any social media platforms, I get no notifications. If you guys do find such mentions, do let me know here. They just brighten up my day :)


Shubman was bored - he had wanted a quiet evening at home, but no, his dad just had to drag the entire family to host some party. He dreaded the days he would have to take over for his dad, making small talk and mingling with people. Ishan would be good at it, he mused, as he buttoned his shirt and put on his burgundy jacket. Everyone was to meet in the main hall, something about a 'risk' situation at hand. Begrudgingly, he went downstairs, where a load of black suits had gathered, his mom and sister standing out in red among the monotony.

He met the both of them, gave a tiny nod to Shikhar, and searched for Ishan. He swiveled his head, but no luck - had Ishan taken the night off? But surely he would let Shubman know, right? So focused was Shubman in these thoughts that he failed to notice someone repeatedly tapping his shoulders.

"–boss, hello?"

Shubman blinked his thoughts away when he heard Ishan calling him.

But the guy in front of him can't be Ishan, right?

Gone were the silk shirts and cargo pants, this guy was wearing a suit that hugged him perfectly, his hair was slicked to perfection with a stray hair falling over his forehead (that Shubman's fingers itched to put back in place), his statement earrings glinting in the light, and his beard trimmed to perfection. The only remote way this man was Ishan was the way he wore his aviators on his head and the dazzling smile he greeted Shubman with.

Shubman, for his part, could not take his eyes off the beauty he was graced with - objectively, he knew Ishan was beautiful; he had seen the students from his college, boys and girls alike, drool over his bodyguard and fall over themselves trying to talk to him, but this...was different. Ishan looked like everyone's wet dream come to life.

And he was here only for Shubman.

Red alert, red alert, Shubman's mind sounded out the alarm helpfully, as Shubman was brought back to reality. Ishan was not here for Shubman - what was he thinking? He was here to do his job, and Shubman was probably ruining their friendship by having obsessive thoughts about his bodyguard.

He shook his head and concentrated on the conversation in front of him. He gave Ishan a tiny smile to convey that he was paying attention, which seemed to satisfy Ishan.

"This is a high-risk situation we are going into - Mr. Gill is made aware of it, but please pay attention. Stay with your bodyguards at all times, if a place is left unguarded, make sure a replacement is set up first, do not drink or eat anything, and make sure you are in contact at all times. Ishan, what's Shubman's call sign?" quizzed Shikar.

"Beauty on the move bolunga bhai don't worry."

"Hey, why is my name beauty!"

Everyone laughs, including Shahneel, to which Shubman sticks his tongue out at her.

"I chose it, boss."

Shubman pouted and whirled around to Shahneel.

"What's your name?"

"Dragon," she proclaimed proudly.

"Want to trade bodyguards?"

Shahneel high-fived her bodyguard and smugly said, "No thank you!"

Now it was Ishan's turn to pout.

"Don't you like me, beauty?"

Shubman pretended to be annoyed, but even he could do nothing to subdue his mind that preened at the fact that Ishan had called him beauty. He took a deep breath and followed his mom out to the car.

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