Chapter 10: Anarchy

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Shubman was late for office; but there's nothing he could do, since Ishan 'wanted to catch up with all his homies', so Shubman reluctantly waited, as Ishan chatted up his friends from college. Shubman could feel a soft smile creep onto his face as he watched Ishan talk to people as if they were his long-lost friends, and the people around him gazing at him in adoration.

Shubman could relate.

He had tuned himself out, instead concentrating on his notes. He kept glancing at Ishan in between to make sure he had not wandered off, when someone caught his eye.

It was Aditi, one of his batchmates, who always eyed Ishan when he was on campus. Alarmed, Shubman observed as Aditi inched closer to Ishan, who greeted her with his signature smile. They made some small talk, after which, she dragged Ishan a little farther and they talked some more.

Shubman wanted to go to them and find out what they were talking about, but it would seem rude, so Shubman stood rooted to the spot instead. He desperately wished he could have been standing next to Ishan, who seemed to be lavishing Aditi with more of his dreamy smile, which boiled Shubman's blood. What were they talking about? Why were they standing so close?

After an agonizing amount of time, Ishan walked to Shubman and apologized for making him late. They climbed into the car to take Shubman to his dad's office. Shubman was desperate to know what had transpired between Ishan and Aditi, but not wanting to come off as jealous lest he give away his feelings, he kept mum.

Ishan solved his dilemma for him.

"Shubi, can I leave early tonight? I promise I'll make it up and Rutu will cover for me. Please?"

"Any special occasion?"

Ishan looked at Shubman sheepishly.

"Uh, actually, Aditi asked me out so we're going to hang out."

Shubman was glad he was not the one driving, because he would have crashed them into incoming traffic. As it was, he swallowed the sob lodged in his throat and mumbled a quick 'yeah, sure' to Ishan, who looked ecstatic.


It was 11 p.m., and sleep was evading Shubman. He tried taking a bath, listening to music, and even reading a book, but nothing worked. His mind constantly imagined what Ishan and Aditi would be doing on their date - how Ishan would be making Aditi laugh, how they would be dancing together, how they would go ahead and get married while Shubman wrote songs in his memory....

Alright Shubman, he scolded himself, jyada filmy ho gaya.

But what if? What if they hit it off? Anyone would be lucky to have Ishan, and Aditi was one of the smartest and most beautiful girls in his college - it seemed like a match made in heaven, never mind that the thought of them together made Shubman yeet himself to hell.

He wanted to call Ishan and ask how his date went, but he knew nothing good would come out of it - Shubman's jealousy might alarm Ishan and spoil his friendship. But Shubman knew that friendship was not all he was looking for. He wanted Ishan, wanted to recrate whatever had happened that night (minus the shooting)....but he had no way of knowing if Ishan reciprocated his feelings.

Frustrated, he bangs the door to his room shut, and sits on the bed.

Tomorrow, he thinks, tomorrow, if Ishan tells him the date did not go well, Shubman will ask Ishan out. He is fully aware that Aditi wasn't the only one with eyes on Ishan - anyone could swoop in and claim him, and Shubman did not want to repeat his mistake.

The next day, when Ishan joined Shubman for breakfast, Shubman was uber calm, trying to gauge Ishan's face discreetly for any indication of how the date had gone. So far, Ishan was his usual chirpy self, but that could mean anything, right?

Pagal ho jayega aise tu Shubi, Shubman scolded himself.

Pagal hona abhi bacha hai? His mind supplied unhelpfully.

Tired of Ishan's hush-hush on the date and knowing his mind was going to continue torturing him, Shubman finally spoke.

"So, how was last night?"

"C'mon boss, I don't kiss and tell."

Shubman had no idea what his face was doing, but whatever it was, Ishan looked alarmed, and scrambled toward Shubman.

"Oh, I mean, nothing happened. We just went out dancing, had some food. She's cute, but there was nothing there, and I told her so - you know me, I am waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet," Ishan said cheekily.

His heart rate somewhat normal, Shubman commented,

"Is that why you comment 'Marry Me' on Disha Patani's photos?"

"Hey, the heart wants what it wants, boss."

Didn't Shubman know that?

So engrossed was Shubman in calming his heart down that he eventually forgot about asking Ishan out.

Chicken, his mind supplied.

I'll ask him - there's still time - he wants to be swept off his feet, didn't you hear, he retorts.

If Shubman's mind was a person, it would definitely be rolling its eyes right now. 

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