Chapter 1: Original Life

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I honestly can't believe it, I've been a robot for eleven years. After a ton of things happening to me, I tend to look back at the life I used to have; the one I had before being known in a lot of communities, before I had a bunch of friends, and before I had an incredible family who's always there every single day. It all began when I was born; I was the fifth kid in the family, now considered the youngest out of my other biological siblings. Alicia & Calvin Hikari were trilled to have me in the world, what was more great- my older siblings were really excited to greet their new little sister once home from the hospital. Max, Keith, Cia, and Jen welcomed me home with open arms, "Kids... this is your new baby sister Ashley, your father and I already consider her really special since she's super lucky to have older siblings like you four!" My eyes wondered at each of my older brothers and sisters, they all had different features while I only had very little dark brown hair showing and chocolate brown eyes. Calvin took me from Alicia then placed me down on a newly set up playpen in the living room. Max & Keith walked over to say hi, "Hi there... we're your older brothers. Can you say- Max?" I stared at both of them while holding a teddy bear, "m... m... max..." Keith smirked, "That's very good! Can you say Keith now?" I giggled, "K- K- Keith!" They both were surprised that I pronounced their names perfectly. Alicia walked over with Jen & Cia, "Hey little sis, can you say my name?" I blankly stared at her, "C- Ci... Cia!" My mom was very proud of me, "That's right Ashley! Wanna say your name for momma?" I was confused at first, then smiled while I replied, "A... Ash... Ash!" Jen smiled, "I think Ashley wants to be called Ash. Are you fine with that guys?" My other siblings agreed, then my mom agreed, "Ash is a wonderful nickname! I'd bet the friends you make will call you by that someday!" 

For the rest of the day, my parents went off to work while my siblings watched me. Max & Keith basically let me watch TV, they decided to leave it on a channel that was showing anime. Jen kinda didn't approve on what was on. Cia on the other hand, watched the show with me. "I don't think Ash should be watching this anime, what on earth are you showing her anyways?" Keith answered, "Come on Jen, it's an anime about this awesome male protagonist who's actually a robot and he defends the city nonstop from dastardly bad guys! Ash seems to like the show!" Max agreed, "Look at her Jen, she immediately grew fond of the main character. I thought there were only boy fans of Techno, but Ash is making history by being the first girl fan of him." Cia concurred, "Actually, Ash and I are the first girl fans! Isn't this show great lil sis?" My eyes were glued to the screen as I nodded, "Ro- robot! Robot cool!" Jen looked at the clock then picked me up since it was my bedtime. "No! Not tired! I wanna watch Techno!!" Jen struggled to calm me down, "You can watch the show tomorrow. It's not going anywhere, alright?" Throughout the whole night, I cried and cried. Alicia had to stay up for the remainder of the night just trying to help me fall asleep. Calvin solved the problem by handing me the teddy bear I had earlier in the play pen. They both let out a sigh of relief and let me sleep peacefully.

A year of this wonderful life has passed, it was now my first birthday. Alicia had big plans for my party, and Calvin had a very special present just for me. Cia brought me downstairs then my mom sat me down in my highchair. "Happy birthday my special little girl! Mommy invited some of her friends to your party, one of them has a very unique robot." I happily laughed after hearing the word robot, "Robot! Robot! Robot amazing!! Robot no tool!" Calvin confusingly laughed, "Ash... robots are used in the everyday workforce. Construction robots, ones that wash windows, y'know- basic stuff." My expression changed after my dad said all of that, "No! Robots not tools! Robots are amazing! Mommy's job is amazing!" Everyone around me was in shock after I spoke my full first sentence perfectly. Calvin cleared his throat, "Well- what- whatever you say, sweetie. Speaking of robots, daddy pulled a few stings and got you a robot monkey." After breakfast, my dad pulled out a big box that was wrapped in bright pink wrapping paper. I'd eagerly ripped it off as the crate door fell and revealed a cyan-colored robot monkey. "This very nice scientist at work gave me a killer deal on this wonderful marvel of engineering. Although, he's only set on remote control settings." Calvin pushed a button then the monkey woke up. I'd stood up on my feet with no problems and hugged the monkey, "I really love him daddy! I'm gonna name him Chip! He's my new bestie!!" While my parents left to get party supplies, I decided to tinker with Chip's wiring a little. I'd managed to make him move on his own, but making him talk had to wait till I was a little bit older. Chip kept an eye on me throughout the whole time my parents were out, when they got home- they were really proud of me for making him move on his own. My first birthday party was really fun; I'd met Dr. Tenma, and Dr. Light whose robotics engineers just like Alicia. I'd also met the most amazing person in the whole world, he was the most incredible advanced robot I've ever seen. Toby grew fond of me right away, and we had a really good time together. At night, I dreamt about robots and how they could be more than just gears and gizmos. Toby opened my eyes that day... and made me think about my potential future living a life like his...   

Adventures of Ash HIkari Vol. 1: True Beginningsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن