Chapter 3: Robot Life

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My first week being a robot was a bit tough; I had to relearn how to walk, my mom told me not to accidentally discover my capabilities, and I was now being homeschooled since Alicia was worried that the other students might tease me, but my friends there would still care about me. I thought this life would be amazing, but it turned out to be just like my regular ol' boring human life. "Mom... is it ok if- you could at least take me to the park? I don't want to stay inside... I want to run around and- and maybe know what I can do." Alicia knelt down in front of me, "I know that you want to go out, but I'm afraid that people will just- be scared of you if you accidentally reveal to people that you're a robot." I know that my mom is trying to keep me safe, but at the same time she's preventing me from continuing my life. "It's not fair! I just want to see what I can do now! I want to find a purpose! Is this why I was brought back?! Just to live the same old life?!" Alicia sighed, "Ashley Hikari... you do not yell at your mother that way! Just for that, I order you to go to your room, now young lady." 

I stormed off up to my room and slammed the door closed, Alicia sat down and sighed again. For a couple of hours, I'd just stared out the window while watching the neighborhood kids have fun playing soccer. As I saw my reflection, I only see myself, and not the bot I was meant to be. I continued to focus on my reflection then suddenly saw Toby gently knock on my window. I opened it, "Toby?! You can fly?! That's really amazing!" He smirked, "Of course! It's just one of my abilities, what can you do Ash?" My expression changed, "Oh... I'm not sure yet... my Mom told me that I can't discover my capabilities." Toby flew into my room then landed, "Well, let's just discover em together! It wouldn't hurt just for you to get out of the house for a while." I looked at my door, "I don't know Toby... what if I get in trouble for sneaking out?" He took my hand, "Come on Ash, don't ya wanna have some fun?" I turned my gaze back to him, "Ok... maybe just for a little while- woah!" He'd blasted off while carrying me, I saw the city in a whole new perspective that I've never seen before, it was really amazing. "Let's see if you can fly like me! Ready? I'm gonna let go... now!" Toby let go of me; then in a split second, jets in my feet ignited as I took off into the clouds feeling more alive than ever before. When I got the hang of it, Toby & I flew through Tokyo together laughing the whole way through. We'd then landed on top of a building so we could catch our breath, the view of the sunset was breathtaking. "That- was- AMAZING! Flying is really fun! Can we do that again tomorrow?!" Toby laughed, "If ya want to, then yeah, I'll fly with ya tomorrow." He and I did a quick fist bump, then I hugged him, "You're the greatest friend ever Toby... I wished that you and I didn't have to part ways for now." He took my hands in his, "This isn't goodbye, it's- goodbye for now... I'll see ya hopefully tomorrow." Toby flew off while I flew home before Alicia could catch me. Today was great, but I knew that my Mom wasn't gonna be happy with me since I snuck out.

When I got close enough to home, I decided to land and walk the rest of the way. While walking, I continued to stare at my reflection as I passed buildings. Little did I know, a dark hooded figure started to follow me. I picked up the pace and transitioned into a run, I ran down an alleyway and had to stop after reaching a wall. I couldn't escape since the hooded figure blocked my only exit, it then raised a glowing blue dagger and slashed at me upward leaving me to fall on the ground then run away. I covered my right eye and looked at my hand, it was covered in oil from the scar, so I kept my hand on it till I got home. As I walked in, Alicia rushed towards me and wrapped me around her arms, "Ash! Thank goodness that you're ok! I was worried sick about you!" I removed my hand from the scar, "Mom... I- I was attacked by someone... I'm really sorry for leaving..." She examined the scar, "Just stay right here, I'll be back with the first-aid kit." Alicia headed to the bathroom upstairs to get it while I sat down on the couch. I'd then heard the door open, what I saw was the hooded figure who'd turned out to be- my dad?! Alicia came back down with the first-aid kit, "Ok, I have everything to tend your-" she'd dropped it after seeing my dad, "Calvin?!" He'd slowly pulled down the hood, "Hey Ali... hey my shooting star..." My eyes start to fill with tears, I couldn't believe that my dad was home. Calvin weakly pulled me in for a hug, "Dad... there's- something I you need to know..." He'd then looked at my right eye, "I know Ash, your mother and I still love you, we're here for you always and forever." After Alicia helped him to bed, she'd then cleaned up the scar and carefully placed a bandage on it, "There you go sweetie, now off to bed, ok?" I headed up to my room then looked at my reflection again, the thought of looking so- normal made me wonder if my robot life would be like my old one. I'd just knew that someday I'll make this life worthwhile, but- maybe it just takes time and fate to forge my path.  

Adventures of Ash HIkari Vol. 1: True BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now