Chapter 8: Culture Shock

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a couple of the residents yelling at each other over some music. As I got up, I noticed that Lightning already left earlier before I woke up. I'd made my way towards the local gas station in town and saw every resident there already talking among each other. I hid behind somewhere close by and carefully observed their strange culture; all of them were sentient vehicles, they drink oil, there's a tire shop, the motel, a gift shop, a body shop, a surplus, some kind of organic fuel place, scrap yard, a doctor's office for their kind, a town hall, and a stretch of closed businesses. This seemed like a nice town, but getting used to it might be a challenge for me. Just then, Mater mentioned me to the other townsfolk, "Far out man, what did this thing look like?" "This whole thing is a joke! There's no such thing as a 'strange looking creature!'" "I saw it too guys, even Sally knows about it too." Everyone continued to  talk about me, I leaned in closer but accidentally tripping over my own feet and land in front of everyone. Sally drove over to me offering herself as something for me to pull myself up, "Th- thanks... um- ... h- hello... I'd- I'd like to know who you all are..." Lightning tried his best to keep me calm, "It's ok, you're ok, there's no need to be scared. This is Flo, Ramone, Sarge, Filmore, Luigi, Guido, Sheriff, Doc, Red, and Lizzie. You already know me, Mater, and Sally, I also forgot to mention my driver, his name is Mack." Everyone said hi their own way, then I took a deep breath and introduced myself, "Hi everyone, my name is Ashley Hikari, but I'd liked to be called Ash. I'm not from here, I'm from another dimension which is kinda strange to all of you, but I'd like to learn about your culture. If- if you're willing to teach me..." I paused for a minute, and took another deep breath, "Also, I'm not a creature, I'm actually an advanced robot that has multiple capabilities for now. I'm kinda still developing... so maybe learning new things might help me." Within a few seconds, everyone started to get a bit concerned since I was just only seven years old. I'd felt less scared knowing that I'll be in good care, and maybe I'll call Radiator Springs my temporary home till I find my way back to mine. 

After a while, I'd first spent time with Lightning & Doc outside of town at this place called Willy's Butte where they train for racing. They're both really amazing, I'd wished that I could race like them, but I guess cheering them on was great too. Doc rolled back up to where I was, "So you're interested in racing now? It's not for the faint of heart kid, you gotta have courage and concentration. If not, then you'll end up being the worst racer in history. Let's see what you've got Ash, you may not be a vehicle, but I see some potential in you." I carefully made my way down to the dirt track, Lightning was a bit confused at first, but Doc nodded at him, meaning that he should give me a shot. I looked ahead, Lightning dove to the side giving me room, I took a deep breath, then attracted my built-in skates. I took off without hesitating, I was slow at first, but I'd picked up speed a little. When I came to a difficult turn, I skidded sideways, but actually ended up in the cacti pit instead. Lightning quickly got Mater then he'd lowered his hook which I tightly grabbed so he could pull me up. "I- I- I failed... I don't have any potential... you two are the experts, not me..." Doc got serious for a minute, "Life is all about failures, you just have to learn from each one. You'll try again tomorrow, I want you to wake up early and meet me back here. Understand!?" I nodded then Lightning took me back into town so Guido could carefully remove the cacti thorns off of me. Some time later, I was asked to help around town during their usual traveler's rush. After that, I stayed at the V8 Café with Lightning and some other residents for a bit of afterwork conversations. They told me about their history and how it's different from my culture, I was also told that holidays were kinda the same, but with some differences. I'd then told them about my culture, I made sure to tell them how different it is than theirs. When it got late, I'd followed Lightning back to the motel. "How was your first day here Ash? Are you getting used to things?" I replied, "It was- ok I guess... I'm sure I'll get used to it after some time living here." We said good night to each other, then fell asleep, all night I dreamt about how great things will get from here. 

The next morning, I woke up, then headed back to Willy's Butte just like Doc asked me to do. He was already there waiting for me, "Alright Ash, now making that difficult turn takes some skill, and I know that you have that skill. All you have to do is believe that you can clear the track, never doubt yourself." I carefully made my way down there again, I attracted my built-in skates once more, took another deep breath, then started down the track. When I got to the difficult turn, I stayed focused, I didn't doubt myself, I believe that I can clear the turn. I skidded sideways and went straight after clearing the turn, then I skidded to a complete stop once I reached the makeshift finish line. Doc was really impressed with my early progress, "Not bad kid, but you've still got a long ways to go if you want to consider starting a racing career." After a few more laps, I had the whole track down and even broke my early record going around the track. At the Café, I told everyone how I'm improving, Lighting was the most impressed. "Have you considered being a professional racer Ash?" I nervously repiled, "I'm not sure yet, but it does seem amazing. I've seen you race around Willy's Butte a few times yesterday, and you're getting better and better every passing lap." He smirked, "Well, racing isn't all about winning, or speed, it's all about being respectful towards other racers. I helped someone once and felt really good about it, and that was proof of me changing my ways. It's a good thing you didn't meet me when I was still arrogant." We both shared a laugh, I could tell that Lightning & I are becoming really good friends. Each day here was better than the last, but the most interesting one was when the dimensional environment finally affected me and I became a race car just like Lightning. After that experience, I learned how to live like them and soon started my training for becoming a pro racer. 

Adventures of Ash HIkari Vol. 1: True BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now