Chapter 2: Unexpected Transition

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As birthdays come and go, I've received mostly things for my new found interest in robots. My whole room had a whole robot theme by my fifth birthday; I had posters and old blueprints on my walls along with very little family pictures, my shelf was full of robot figurines and model kits, my bed had a cute robot bed frame, and I always slept with my favorite robot stuffed animal every night. I'd eagerly headed downstairs since Alicia was finally taking me to where she'd worked every week except for weekends and holidays. "Happy fifth birthday my special little girl! I made your favorite for breakfast, my famous heart-shaped chocolate chip pancakes! I'd also made a few batches of my berry tarts but with a little extra sugar on top!" Max ruffled my hair while on his way towards the kitchen, "Morning sis! I can't believe how much ya grown! It feels like yesterday that you'd came home for the first time." Keith, Jen, and Cia came downstairs as well, Calvin was already at the dining table setting down plates with pancakes on them. "Good morning my little shooting star, I have something really special for you this year." I'd sat down at the table then my dad placed down a jewelry box next to my plate. I opened the box and was surprised by a crystal necklace shaped like a star. "I- I- I don't know what to say! Thank you daddy!! I really really really love it!" He smiled, "You're welcome, you are the birthday girl after all! And of course... always and forever... my shooting star." After breakfast, I'd left with Alicia to the Ministry of Science; it's where she and her colleagues work and collaborate on projects that better the community.

The drive there might've been long, but my breath was taken away at the sight of this massive building. When we entered, I was given a visitor's pass then Alicia led me to where she'd worked. We'd first met up with her colleagues outside of their work area, "Good morning gentlemen, I hope you've gotten my email earlier about today." Dr. Tenma answered, "Of course we did Ali, and I think letting Ash see what you do will surely be a great present for her!" During the day, Alicia showed me the lab where she works at. I noticed multiple blueprints on the repair table, "Mom... are you working on another project?" She replied, "I guess you could say that. It's erm- something I've been working on for a while. Why not you go and see your friend that you'd met on your first birthday?" It had been a while since I'd seen Toby, I wonder if he changed. After looking for Toby, I found him in the Ministry's recovery area staring out the window. He'd looked a bit taller since the last time I'd saw him, since I was five today, he looked like and eight year old. Meaning, he's technically three years older than me. Toby turned around and smiled, "Dr. Tenma told me that it was your birthday today. I got ya a little something, it's not much though." He handed me something that was wrapped, I opened it and it was a star shaped hair clip. "Thanks... I really like it... You're a really good friend Toby..." He'd knelt down and put the hair clip in my hair, "It's the least I could do for you Ash. You're one of few people who thinks I'm great, maybe someday you and I will be more than friends- possibly... family?" Just thinking about it made me hopeful about my future, "Who knows... I'm sure fate has its plans for me..." I said my goodbyes for the evening and headed home for a special birthday dinner that I wouldn't forget. All night long, I dreamt about how different my life would be if I were a robot. 

Some time has passed, and now my sixth birthday was just a week and a day away. I was currently with my mom & older sister Cia, we we're just heading home from running some errands. My dad was currently at work and he was coming home later tonight, I was excited cause he was getting me an early birthday present. "We're almost home girls, are you excited to see your father?" Cia was more excited than me, "I'd bet dad got me a really cool toy sword! How bout you Ash? Isn't it great that Dad's comin' home?" I looked at Cia, "Uh-huh, I'm just glad that Dad is gonna be home for my sixth birthday! I wonder if he got me another robot figurine for my collection..." Alicia laughed a little, "I'm glad that you girls are excited, your father is looking forward to seeing you two again. Now remember, I need you both to let him rest since his job makes him a bit tired." I continued to look out the car window in the back seat, then, I smelled something burning. "Mom... I smell something burning... I'm scared.." Alicia pulled over at the side of the road not knowing that a mysterious hooded figure was waiting to activate what seemed like a bomb. "Stay in the car girls, I'll see what's wrong." Alicia opened the hood and suddenly notice the bomb, "Girls, don't panic, I'll see if I can-" She was too late, the figure pressed the button and everything went into flames and completely dark. 

The next thing I knew, I woke up laying on a table connected to multiple wires. I heard a familiar voice, "Alicia! She's awake! We've done it! We've saved your daughter! Come quick!" She rushed up to the table just as I was slowly sitting up, "Oh Ash! I'm so glad that you're ok! Happy birthday sweetie!" When I saw my mom, I- felt happy too- but I couldn't show it. "Hey mom... it's really great to see you too. Did something happen to me?" Dr. Light walked up to me, "Why hello Ash, we're so relieved that you've woken up. Your mother here called us immediately after the accident a week and a day ago, I'm sorry- but you're- now a robot with advanced capabilities." There were no tears, no sadness, as if I didn't have my emotions back. Dr. Tenma, and Alicia's other colleagues Dr. White, Dr. Eggman, and Dr. Wily walked up. "That is rather unusual... I presume that we call another colleague of ours to restore her emotions." Dr. White added, "While we wait for him, I suggest we have Ash here learn how to walk again. We'll test her capabilities another time." Dr. Eggman agreed, "Good thinking, we don't want to overwhelm her any further. After some basic relearning, an old scientist arrived then I was sat back down on the table. "Professor, welcome, it's so good to see you again. This is my daughter Ash, I hope you can restore her emotions." He looked at me with gentle eyes, "Hello Ash, my name is Professor Moshimo and I'm here to help you. Your mother has told me that you have an interest in robots, I'd bet you'd like one of my creations. He's quite friendly, but you'll meet him one day." Everyone except Alicia stayed while he'd got to work; after a while, my mom knelt down as I perfectly walked to her. "That's it Ash, come to me. You're doing great sweetie!" When I was finally in her arms, she'd hugged me- and I felt- happy and sad at the same time, "Mom... I feel- afraid... I want to go home..." Her eyes filled with tears, "Oh Ash... I'm so glad to have my special little girl back... thank you Moshimo... thank you..." At that moment, I knew that my life wasn't gonna be the same. Although I knew, that my robot life was just getting started. 

Adventures of Ash HIkari Vol. 1: True BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now