Chapter 6: Second Chance

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For the past few weeks, I blindly followed Eggman since if I didn't I was scrap metal. Both Mecha & Adam had to keep an eye on me while I completed each assignment, but they even had their own missions to complete as well for Eggman. When I got back from another assignment, I passed by Adam's room and noticed that he was badly damaged. "Adam- I- I mean- sir, are you functioning correctly?" He looked at me, "There's no need for that act in front of me and Mecha. We've known that you're showing signs of other emotions since the other day, but we'll keep it a secret." My eyes watered a little, as if I started to care about his condition, "Did something happen to-" Mecha cut me off and pointed to the camera, "If boss finds out that your emotions are returning, then he'll make you into his next badnik meaning it's lights out for you dear sister." I couldn't believe what she just said, did she call me- sister?! "Mecha, do you and Adam see me as your younger sister even though we're not related?" They both nod, "Overtime we've grew to like ya. I'll shut off that camera so we could talk." Adam tossed one of his bolts at the camera, smashing the glass and deactivating it, "Alright, it's safe to show your true self A.S.H." I sat next to him and Mecha sat on the other side of Adam. "I can't take it anymore! I want to feel emotions rather than just anger and rage! I want to be myself again! You guys would probably want freedom too, right?" They both put a hand on my shoulders, "You make freedom sound so amazing, I guess it would be great to get outta here." Mecha agreed, "Yeah, we'll leave together. You, me, and Adam, we'll find a way out." We were then summoned by Dr. Eggman, who was very furious with all of us, but he was furious at me the most. "I'm very disappointed in all three of you, it's time for you three to be severely punished. Metal Sonic, dispose of Mecha & Adam first." I'd stopped Metal from hurting them, but I paid the price by getting damaged myself and tossed out through the trash chute which led to a scrapyard outside. 

I didn't know what happened to Mecha & Adam, or didn't know if they managed to escape, all I know is that the power source Dr. Eggman gave me was cracked and leaking. I'm not even sure how much time I would have left to run away, so I'd just laid there in the scrapyard for what felt like days. Three days later, I was soon found by two robotics scientists which basically picked me up and take them with me. I then found myself laying on a different repair table, the room was filled with sunlight coming through the window, the atmosphere was really calm and welcoming, and I was hooked to a different set of wires. "Umatarō, I think she's awake! Come quick! Just don't move, ok?!" He approached me, "Well now, welcome back. How are you feeling Ashley?" I- I remember meeting someone who'd called me that, could it be?! That the person who'd found me was Dr. Tenma?! "Hiroshi, you're looking at the most advanced robot ever created by very elite robotics engineers, I of course am one of them!" Hiroshi still didn't believe him, but then a robot that looked like a nine year old walk in. "You wanted to see me Dad? Am I in trouble? I swear that I didn't do anything wrong!" He looked at me and suddenly remembered who I was, "Ash?! What happened?! Where were you?! I was worried sick that I'd might've lost my friend!" Umartarō looked at the laptop that I was connected to and was surprised to see that half of my memory came back instantly, "Incredible... it seems that a certain stimuli brings back memories that were removed from your electronic brain. We'll finish the repairs then you'll be able to move around again." 

Some time has passed, then I was soon back on my feet, but my voice module was still damaged. I'd then hugged my dear friend that I've haven't seen in a long time, "I missed you too Ash. Hang on, I don't think that'll match with the name I have now." I confusingly looked at him while holding his hands, "I'd like to be called Astro now, is that ok with you? I'll let you still call me by my old name when you feel like it, alright?" I nodded, "Hey, it's just a minor change. Wanna see your reflection?" Astro led me to the mirror, then let go of my hand. I looked different again; my hair was still black, but there were no streaks in it anymore, my eyes were now back to a chocolate brown, my body frame was about the same as Astro's, and I had a strawberry red skirt matching with strawberry red boots which looked like they were built onto me. "You can thank my dad Dr. Tenma & Dr. Ochanomizu for rebuilding you. What do you think?" I'd slightly smiled, it was good to be less dark and such, but it might take some time to adjust to these changes. Astro spoke to me again, "About your new name, I was thinking of something like- um- how about Astra? Astro & Astra, has a good ring to it don't you think?" I nodded, accepting to be called Astra for now on and Ash whenever he feels like calling me that. For the rest of the day, Astro and I spent time with one another, soon realizing that we we're more than friends, we we're both now family, brother and sister, together once more. That night, Dr. Tenma made it official after finishing some adoption papers while I was with Astro. My new official name was now Ashley Tenma, but I would still be called Astra during my new hero career which I shall begin by Astro's side. 

Adventures of Ash HIkari Vol. 1: True BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now