Chapter 2

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[Korean, English]

☆ Chapter Two ☆

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☆ Chapter Two 



Jay blinks his eyes open, the flight attendant motioning for him to move his seat up. He waves a hand, shifting his seat back to the sitting position. He stretches his arms over his head, not able to hold in the yawn that escapes him. Jay turns his head to look out the window, his phone drawing his attention. 

"What?" He says, grabbing his computer bag from the overhead. Jay throws the bag over his shoulder, trying his best not to roll his eyes when he hears his father chuckle. 

"Why are you speaking like you don't know who's calling?" The older man asks, barking orders at someone. Jay sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Sorry, Dad. Hello." He says, nodding to the flight attendant as he walks off the plane. Jay slowly walks to baggage claim, stretching his neck slightly. 

"That's better. How was your flight?" His father asks, not sounding quiet so amused anymore. This time, Jay doesn't try to stop the eye roll. 

"Long." He says, his eyes looking over each of the suitcases that move past him. He really didn't feel like speaking to his father right now, just wanting to go to his new dorm room to rest.

"Well, I sent a driver for you. He'll take you to that meeting we talked about, and then you can go to your dorm." Jay frowns at his father's words, clenching his teeth. 

"You never told me about a meeting." He says tensely, pinching the bridge of his nose again. There's a pause on the other end of the phone, his father saying something quietly to one of his assistants. 

"I'm sure I did." He says with a small chuckle, earning another eye roll roll from Jay. "Anyways, I'm sending you to meet with Mr. Bae Leo. The meeting won't take long, you'll be in and out. The driver will take you to the school afterwards." His father says before ending the call, leaving Jay staring at his phone screen. He scoffs, sliding his phone into his pocket again before finally spotting his suitcase. Jay walks towards the exit, finding the car that his father called for him. 

He slides into the back seat, practically melting into the seat. Jay had made sure to dress comfortably but still appropriate for a meeting, he had a feeling that his father would give him a task before letting him rest. He hadn't even had time to relax before his flight, his father sending him to several locations as his representative. 

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