Chapter 11

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❀ Chapter Eleven ❀

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Chapter Eleven 


Everything felt too cold..

Lina's body aches, her throat feeling scratchy. She shifts, not sure where she was. The girl tries to flex her hands but they feel like they're being pinned. She carefully blinks her eyes open, wincing at the bright fluorescent lights. Lina moves her head to the side slightly, her eyes landing on a familiar head of black hair. She lifts her hand, running a finger over the soft strands. 

Jay's eyes slowly drift open, the boy lifting her head from where it had been resting next to Lina. His eyes widen slightly as his gaze meets hers, a look of relief washing over his features. 

"Hey bunny." He says softly, taking her hand in both of his. There's a quiet gasp from the other side of the room, Lina turning her head to see her father standing at the end of her bed. He rushes to his daughter's side, hugging her as tightly as he can. 

"Hey Dad." Lina says quietly, wincing slightly as her dry throat protests. Her father claims the chair across from Jay, his hand cupping Lina's cheek. 

"My sweet girl, I'm so glad you're awake." He says, his eyes shining like he was holding back tears. 

"I'll go tell the others." Jay says softly, standing from his chair. He brushes his thumb over the back of Lina's hand before releasing it, stepping out of the room. She turns back to her father, looking down at his hand as he holds hers. Lina frowns when she sees his red knuckles, taking the older man's hand in both of hers. 

"Dad, what happened to your hand? Did you hit someone?" She asks, her voice cracking slightly. Her father had rarely ever even lost his temper, so the girl was especially shocked to see a wound that was obviously from punching someone or something. 

"I hit that Choi Hyun." Her father says, almost sheepishly. Lina's eyes widen, the girl staring at her dad as she waits for an explanation. 

"I overheard him saying that he drugged you, and I couldn't stop myself." He says, picking at an imaginary spot on Lina's sheets. Finally, he lifts his gaze to look at his daughter. 

"I know that you didn't tell me what really happened between you two." Her father says, their eyes meeting. Lina looks away, fidgeting with the blanket that lay over her lap. The door to her room opens, Ria running to her friends side. Lina laughs as Ria hugs her, practically jumping on top of the girl. 

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