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"Is this entire state uphill?" Murphy complains as we walk out in the middle of nowhere. we are surrounded by nothing but a bunch of trees. "where are we anyway?" he adds

"According to this map we are in the Black Hills of South Dakota" Warren says

"I miss the truck" Cassandra says "Me too" I agree

"At least we are out of the damn horde"  Warren says

"nothing to kill out here" Ten complains looking around

how the hell is he complaining about this?

"fine by me" Warren answers

"we need to find a place to make camp soon, my dogs is getting tired." Doc whines

"well their is a little town nearby called edgemont"

"cant we just take a break?" Doc asks

"Quick one" She says finally caving in

I walk over to a rock and sit down the rest of them look at the painted presidents heads, ten comes and sits next to me.

"Hey" He says


"Can we talk about ,you know.. what happened?"

"nothing to talk about ten. It's a one time thing." I say looking at him

"I'm worried about you." He says brushing the hair behind my ear

"don't be." I say grabbing my sniper and walking back to the group. The last thing I want to talk about is my panic attacks.

"breaks over, lets go" Warren says


We walk and keep walking for about 2 more hours, I walk by doc and turn to see Ten walking by Murphy, I don't want to talk about it. 

"We've been walking for hours!" Murphy complains

"We should've hit the town by now." Warren admits

"hey check this out" Ten says getting everyone to look at a warehouse

"Maybe there's something useful inside"

Warren tells us to check it out. We all approach the building, Warren leading us. Ten and I are in the back with our snipers.

Doc opens the door and we all walk in. We head up stairs and all we see are pipes. Murphy finds a jug of water. And drink it.

Cassandra points at a zombie and we see that it's glowing.

"take cover" Warren says

We all go behind a wall 10k standing in front of me. The zombie gets close and Doc pikes it.

"what in the living-"

"glowing zombies. Really?" I complain

"Why is he glowing?" 10k asks

Just then more come in, Warren shoots one but runs out of ammo. A man and Girl in hazmat suits come in "DONT TOUCH THEM" he yells and shoots all of the zombies. A zombies gets close to me and ten pushes it up against the wall with his sniper. The girl shoots it.

"Radioactive." the man says

"Radioactive how?" Warren asks

"I'll show you." He says

we walk about 5 minutes before he tells us to look up. We see a big container and smoke coming out of it.

can't we just get one normal day?

Blindsighted- 10k fanficWhere stories live. Discover now