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10k POV

Mack and I are sitting in the trunk of the car eating pie when Doc runs up to us.

"We've got to burn this joint boys time to motor!" he says disturbed

"wait hold on doc. what did you see?" Mack asks

"Zombie. Bear.!!" Doc says

I widen my eyes

"oh someone is coming" Mack says and we all turn

A jeep drives right past us and I see Addy, Blake and Warren on it.

She didn't even look at me.

"they wouldn't just leave us would they.?" Doc asks

"no. Addy doesn't go anywhere without me"

"yeah there is no way Blake would leave me."

"sorry guys. they just did." Doc says.

Its not her leaving me that scares me. It's her getting an attack out there without me.

Blake POV
We pull up under a bridge sorta thing. We open the hood and make it seem like the jeep isn't working. Addy, this other girl, and I all sit on the car. Warren and Helen go to hide.

"here they come." Addy says and I sit up

A group of men come while riding motorcycles. I squint my eyes and see that they have 2 girls with them. they look just like Tessa did when she first arrived.

"got a problem there darling?" one of the men ask getting out of the car.

"what do you think?" I say smiling

"kind of dangerous ain't it? three pretty little gals like you, traveling all alone? its not safe out here."

He smiles and I return a fake one.

"ill tell you what." he adds "why don't you tell me where you are headed and my pal here can have a look at that engine."

He says as 2 more men get off their motorcycles.
Just then we hear a gunshot. Helen shoots the ground.

"hands up gentlemen. your little game is over!" she yells

Warren and the other girl come out with their guns as well.

I pull mine out.

"drop your guns." Helen says

"that ain't happening sweetheart." he says as Helen shoots the ground some more

"hold your fire! geez. im a reasonable man. just tell me what you want." he says as they drop their guns

"let me ask you. these girls with you voluntarily?...didn't think so. ladies."

We all go ahead and the girls. We untie them.

We use the same rope they were tied with and tie up the men.

We use the same rope they were tied with and tie up the men

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Blindsighted- 10k fanficWhere stories live. Discover now